Part Two

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They were finally on the train home, after spending some time in the pacific clearing up and Rose helping in the aid stations, they were finally heading home. Rose was sat in her Airborne dress uniform next to Eugene who kept glancing at her as she played with her skirt, they were waiting for Burgin and Snafu to come back with their food and drinks. Eugene and Rose's attention was pulled to Snafu who stood in front of a girl "hi, i'm Merriell Shelton, how about i take you to the back of the train and you can show me your caboose?" all the girl did was slap him on the cheek and Rose had to muffle her laugh into Eugene's shoulder who was smiling into his hand, Snafu walked up and sat down in his seat rubbing his cheek and called the girl feisty. Rose rolled her eyes as Burgin joined them and placed their drinks down while a waiter came with their food, "snafu just got pinged on the train home" Burgin said when he sat down and Snafu stared at the girl while saying "if we'd have been here six months ago that broad would have been giving us all blowjobs" the guys laughed while Rose just shook her head gently as they started to complain about the fact they had to stay longer than everyone else "... someone had to stay and clean up after the war" Burgin began to eat his meal "i suppose i'm gonna have to get a job too" Snafu took a drag of his cigarette and asked "doing what?" Burgin shook his head "i don't know. Anything from digging ditches and owing a bank" the small group laughed "first i gotta get Florence home" Rose looked up confused but she wasnt along, Eugene paused for a moment before asking "wait Florence from Melbourne?" and Snafu asked "your shipping her all the way over here and this is the first we hear about it?" Rose looked towards the man "shipping? really? she's not a parcel" Burgin laughed slightly "i figured it would be bad look to talk about it back then" Eugene took a bite of his sandwich as he asked "when's she coming?" burgin looked down at his food "i don't know, i cabled her but we've been at sea" Burgin went silent for a moment "i guess we gotta wait till i get home to see if i'm getting married or not" Rose smiled "she'll be there" she said as she ate her food "thanks Rose, what about you Sledgehammer?" Everyone turned to Eugene "i'm  just hoping this Florence is going to come to her senses" he joked "no job, no plans further than taking this one on a date" Eugene nodded his head towards Rose who blushed slightly and turned to him "you remember that?" she asked and Eugene smiled at her "of course, i promised to take you out on a date when i got home so that's what i'm gonna do" Snafu smiled before he leaned forward and looked at the girl who had slapped him "i'm gonna get that girl" Rose rolled her eyes slightly "leave her alone" she begged but all snafu did was smile "you watch, i'm gonna get that girl" Eugene ate some more and joked "you've been saying that about every girl since San Diego" Rose laughed as she ate more of her meal.

While Snafu and Eugene talked Burgin and Rose was deep in a conversation about family "what about you? any siblings?" Burgin asked after he told the girl all about his little brother "yeah, i have a little brother, Timothy, he was six when i left so he'll be ten now" Burgin nodded as he looked out the window "we're coming up to my stop" Rose smiled at him as the train stopped and the group looked out the window "there's my little brother, no sign of Florence" Burgin got out of his seat and got his stuff, Snafu and Eugene both shared a look "melbournes a long way burgie, it'll take Florence a while to get from australia to here" the man nodded and then made his way to the doors "thanks" snafu added "for doing all you did to stop us from getting our head shot off" Burgin nodded and said "your good marines" and with that he left the train. The trio left on the train watched out the window as Burgin hugged his dad and then watched at his little brother jumped into his arms. The train set off once again leaving the marine behind with his family.

Night had fallen and Eugene had fallen asleep leaned against the window and Rose was asleep leaning on Eugene, Rose woke up to see Snafu staring down at them hesitating as he went to leave "i'll tell him you said goodbye, if you want?" Rose said looking up at snafu who nodded "yeah. goodbye" rose smiled as she watched as he got off onto the station and once he had gone she leaned back against Eugene and fell back alseep.

The Girl In The War (Under Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें