Part Four

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Rose was in a house helping Malarkey cook everyone some food when Martin walked in "those of you going on the patrol, nothing shines, nothing rattles and no helmets" Rose saw Malarkey offer some food to Jones which he denied, Rose got her own food and then got another cup for Jones and she walked over to him as Malarkey did the same "you set for tonight?" Jones looked up as Rose stood next to Malarkey in front of him "i'm ready" Malarkey took a drink "those krauts are gonna catch some hell" Jone then sighed "i'm not personally going in, Martin, McClung, i'm gonna stay in the rear and give them cover" Malarkey nodded his head "best place to be" Rose held out the food "you need to eat sir" she smiled as Jones took the food and she walked away and began to eat her own food. Rose then found herself making sure nothing shiny on her uniform could be seen like everyone else going on the patrol, she was happy that she didn't have a gun because she watched how hard it was to make them not shiny.

Darkness overcame the area and it meant that it was time for the patrol, Rose walked with the rest of the men to the river and got into one of the boats, the boats were small so Rose found herself sat on Babe's lap as they pulled themselves across. One boat at the back didn't make it across but the others did and once the wires had been cut Rose found herself sat at the bank alone waiting for everyone to come back, she could see a couple of men behind walls watching for Germans but that was it, she couldn't tell who the men were though. Rose felt the snow beneath her and she was back in bastogne slowly freezing to death. Rose was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the loud bang of a grenade and then a couple of shouts and rose waited as the shooting began, Rose heard Martins voice "we're moving out!" and she stood from her spot and waited. Once the group made it make to the boats the whistles went off but Rose was too focused on who was being carried, Jackson was placed onto a boat and Rose climbed in and made him lean back into her, "hey, your gonna be alright" she said as she forced her eyes to look through the dark at the wounds he had sustained, she placed her hands on his neck trying to stop the blood.

Once back on the american side Rose jumped out "carry him in" she ordered over the shooting as she ran ahead to get a table ready for Jackson, she pushed everything off the table and ignored all the shouting around her "put him on..." but the sounds around her was distracting her from doing her job "shut the hell up!" she screeched which caused silence to fill the room, even the german soldiers, who couldn't understand her, shut their mouths. "Johnny go get Geney" she ordered the first man she saw when she looked up "we need to hold him as still as we can" she told the men around her "Jones, could you try and calm Vest down for me" The lieutenant nodded as Rose got to work, she grabbed her lighter and held it next to Jackson's face just as Roe ran in "look at the light Jackson" she said as she felt Roe look over her shoulder "bloods blocking his airway" Rose whispered to Roe who nodded "Alright, lets get him out of here" Roe said at Jackson was placed on a stretcher but before they could make it out the room the young soldier died, choking on his own blood.

Rose made her way out of the room and walked upstairs where she knew Malarkey would be, as she silently walked into the room she saw his fast asleep, drooling onto his pillow which caused her to smile and then a single tear ran down her cheek. Rose's mind was battling itself, she knew that she needed her friend but she also knew that her friend needed his sleep. Malarkey must have sensed Rose stood there because his eyes opened and looked towards her "everything ok Tiny?" he asked but he did not get an answer all he got was Rose walking towards him and climbing into the bed and snuggling up to him, she felt like a five year old after a nightmare. But sadly it wasn't a nightmare it was real and Rose felt a little better having her friend with her.

The Girl In The War (Under Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora