Part One

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Easy company had moved into Germany, Rose didn't know exactly where and she didn't really care as she had more to think about, Winters had come to her and told her that it was getting harder and harder to fight to keep her with easy company and Rose knew that she would have to make a decision soon, go to the pacific to make things easier on Winters or fight to stay with easy. Rose walked into the building that had become a post office to see Speirs and Vest talking with a bunch of silver items in between them, "hey sir" she greeted as he walked past her with a nod leaving the building "hey Vest" she greeted as he grabbed the items and placed them into a box, Rose placed two letters in front of vest "one's got the address on for my mum but the other is for Eugene Sledge" Vest nodded "i don't have an address for him" Vest looked at the envelope and looked up at the medic "do you know what unit he's in?" Rose nodded and answered "K Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines" Vest nodded and grabbed a pen before writing the unit on the envelope "i'll find out where he is" Rose nodded and was about to place a packet of cigarettes in Vest's hands but he shook his head "no need Tiny" Rose nodded and walked out of the building and into the sun squinting her eyes slightly to be able to see where she was going.

Later that day Rose found herself sat listening to Nixon drown on about current events, she was sat on a table at the back, as all the chairs had been taken, next the Liebgott. "... i'm sure you'll all be happy to know that oklahoma is still playing on broadway..." Nixon was cut off from saying anymore by Luz bursting into song which was soon followed by the rest of easy but when easy stopped one replacement carried on "... comes right behind the rain" his voice was high which caused all the men to laugh and Pat to joke "O'Keefe are you sitting on your bayonet there? why don't you leave the singing to Luz" Rose shook her head "come on guys" she said "leave the poor guy alone" Meanwhile Nixon had read on, he made a sound of disappointment "Rita Hayworth is getting married" Luz turned to Rose "oh no, Rita tell me it isn't true" Rose giggled slightly as Luz sent her a wink, Nixon went into war time news which Rose didn't really pay attention too "i guess the boys in the 17th airborne did ok after all" Luz yet again spoke up "forget it, we'd be in Berlin by now sir if it was us instead of them" the men let out a cheer as Rose lit up a cigarette and gave the packet to Babe who took one out and passed the packet of lucky strikes along the line of easy company men.

That night Rose was sat with the officers who were playing a game of poker, she was sat on the armchair of Welsh's chair as he was teaching her how to play when it came to Nixon's turn he had run out of Vat 69 and got up to go get some more. Welsh lent back in his chair and moaned "i can't believe we're not gonna drop into Berlin" Rose suddenly looked towards Speirs "sir any word on if i'm staying with easy?" the officers were the only ones who knew about the possible redeployment of the medic and they were all against it "not yet Rose and for the last time when it's only officers you don't have to call me Sir just call me Speirs or something" Rose blushed slightly "sorry Sir... errr... Speirs" Welsh smiled slightly as Nixon walked out the door "Deal me out of the next round" Welsh turned in his seat "what about your money?" but he didn't get an answer so he turned back to the table and looked down "are we waiting on him again?" he motioned towards Speirs and Lip answered with a simple yes and then looked towards Rose who was staring at the game "why don't we deal Tiny in next?" he asked the other two men in the room "you think you can play, you've been watching Harry for a while" Rose looked towards Lip and then to the table "ok, the next round i'll play" the three officers smiled before they continued to play that round, they all wanted it to end so they could finally introduce Rose to the game officially.

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