Part Two

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Easy company were taken to Austria which was a beautiful country, Rose had to remind herself to breath when she saw the cliffs around her and the shining rivers. Rose was stood looking at the view when Speirs, Winters, Nixon, Welsh and Lipton walked out of the building, Rose turned slightly and smiled as Welsh, Nixon and Lipton walked past her but Speirs and Winters came and stood either side of her. Rose looked at Speirs, his face was sad, "you didn't want to watch the video?" he asked, Rose shook her head "i'd rather not watch what is waiting for me" she said as she shot a knowing look towards the captain who looked down at the ground "i'm going aren't i?" Winters nodded "now that the war in Europe is over, you apparently have no reason to stay with Easy at the moment" Rose nodded and turned to look between the two men "the good news is that when Easy does jump into the Pacific, you'll be able to join us and..." Winters trailed off while he took a piece of paper from his pocket, Rose looked towards her Captain with doe like eyes questioning what the major was doing but all he did was smile "regiment and myself have seen if fit to promote you, for everything you've done and so it's easier in the Pacific" he handed the paper towards who Rose "congratulations Lieutenant" Rose nodded slightly, dumbstruck and looked over her shoulder when her name was shouted "we're going hunting" Malarkey shouted "you wanna come?" Rose nodded and went to walk to the small group who were waiting "sir" she spun around to face Speirs and Winters once more "can you wait to tell everyone, i wanna tell Don myself" Speirs and Winters looked at each other before nodding "Speirs will tell all of easy later today" and watched as Rose walked off with the small group.

The small group that consisted of Liebgott, Bull, Perconte, Shifty, Malarkey and Rose were walking through the forest, Joe looked towards Frank and joked "what are you crouching down for Perco? the deers not gonna shoot back" Rose looked towards Malarkey who shook his head at her, Bull spoke but he sounded annoyed "how about you shut up and let shifty catch us some dinner" Frank stopped crouching and moaned "what bull, you don't wanna eat dried up spuds three times a day?" Rose let out a loud laugh when Joe joked "hey i have an idea, why don't we just shoot Bull here and then feed the company for a week" Bull glared over at the medic but looked forward when they heard branches snapping, Rose looked to see a magnificent deer staring back at her. Shifty got ready to shoot it but missed which was a massive shock to everyone there and caused a conversation about points, "how many points you got Tiny?" Malarkey asked after finding out Shifty needed fifteen points to go, Rose looked down at her feet "i don't know" The group began to head back in the direction they came from, "you don't know?" Joe asked confused "i haven't been told how many points I have yet"

While heading back Rose plucked up enough courage to tell Don so she said "hey guys, me and Don will catch you up" she sat down in the grass and Malarkey sat next to her with a small smile, the rest of the group headed back all smiling knowing that the pair were friends and that they needed a break. Don picked at the grass and waited for Rose to speak somehow sensing that she had something to tell him, "i'm leaving" Rose said after taking a deep breath, Don looked at her confused "i thought you said you didn't know how many points you had?" Rose looked at her friend before taking another deep breath "i don't, i'm not leaving for home Don, I'm going to the pacific" Don looked at the female medic with shock written across his face "since Foy some bigwig had said that i would be better suited in the pacific and that they need someone like me over there but Winters fought it but now the war in europe has ended, he cant fight it any longer" Rose looked towards her friend "i'm being redeployed to the Pacific" Malarkey didn't say anything, all he did was wrap the female medic in a hug and held her close somehow hoping that the tighter he held her would mean she didn't have to go to the pacific. Rose laughed slightly into Malarkey's shoulder, who pulled away and looked confused at Rose "I got promoted" Malarkey's eyes widened "apparently me being a lieutenant will make it easier for me over there" Malarkey joined in with Rose's laughter and smiled at her "congrats Tiny"

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