Part Five

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The next morning the prisoners were moved to a truck and Rose watched from afar with a cigarette in her mouth, Winters turned around and saw her stood there, he looked towards Nixon who nodded and they both headed her way. "Tiny" Nixon greeted as Rose began to walk with the pair. As they walked a silence overcame them until Nixon spoke "your all anyones talking about these days" Rose looked towards him confused "apparently you were overheard in Foy, giving orders" Rose looked down at the ground in embarrassment "and that has caused a bit of a problem for us" Winters stated "because now everyone wants you" Rose's head shot up as she stopped and looked at the pair "what?" she asked confused at what they were saying "a medic who can make tactical decisions is apparently what everyone wants" Nixon smiled "i got a letter from some bigwig who thinks you'll be better suited for the pacific, they asked if you could be spared to go join a marine company on some island called Pale... Pele... Pula...?" Nixon questioned as he looked towards Winters who shrugged "of course we said no" Winters said "i was able to convince them that easy company still needed you... but i don't know how long that will last" Rose looked between the two men "why are you telling me this if i'm staying?" Winters looked down at the ground "because i don't know how long you can stay for... i fear that if we get pulled of the front line or the war ends in Europe you will be redeployed to the pacific" Rose looked towards Nixon then Winters before saying "Well, you better fight it harder sir" a small smile spread across her face as the men in front of her laughed slightly "i will fight it as hard as i can" Rose nodded before she walked away thinking about what she had just been told.

Everyone from the patrol, apart from Jackson, was sat around a table after being told that they wanted another patrol for that night. Rose was sat next to Martin but the gentle talking that the group had was interrupted by Cobb "what are you looking at webster?" his words were slurred slightly and when Rose looked back she saw a large empty bottle of some kind of alcohol in his hand. Web didn't reply he only looked down at the table "yeah, that's what i thought collage boy" Rose sighed slightly as Jones asked "are you drunk trooper?" Cobb swayed slightly "leave me alone" Jones turned in his seat more and then ordered "answer the question" Rose cringed at the reply he got and looked down at her cup of coffee "yes sir i am drunk sir" Rose stood slightly and held out the cup "why don't you have a drink of coffee Cobb" Cobb looked towards the girl and scoughed "like i'd take anything from you" Rose's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion "you shouldn't even be here" Cobb swayed when he pushed himself off the wall "you probably slept your way here..." Cobb was cut off by Martin spinning around "hey Cobb, shut up!" Cobb looked between Rose and Martin "what Johnny? you defending the slut?" Martin was about to stand up but was pushed back down by Rose and Cobb carried on talking "the slut of easy company!" rose could feel the anger begin to radiate from all the men in the room "how did you get here? did you sleep with some general?" Cobb walked closer "tell us all, Tiny" he spit out the nickname with hatred "tell us!" Cobb got right into Rose's face but she showed no emotion until Cobb pushed her backwards into the table, Martin jumped up and pulled Cobb back as Babe rushed around the table to Rose who was holding her side in pain. Cobb was pulled out of the room and the sound of a fist hitting a face could he heard as Martin walked back in shaking his hand slightly.

By the time Winters walked in Rose was sat on a chair holding her side with a pain filled look on her face, she was about to stand with everyone else when Winters walked in but Babe pushed her back onto the seat, Rose saw Martin whispering to Speirs who looked over at Rose who smiled slightly at him. Winters walked to the table and took off his helmet "you men did an excellent job last night, i'm proud, i just saw colonel sink and he's proud too, he's so proud he wants you to do another patrol. Any moment now the outpost we hit last night will go up in flames? it means we will have to go further into town this time, Captain speirs do you have the map please? we have enemy movement here and here so that means the target is here, you'll be setting off from the same place as last night... plans the same errr it'll be 0200 hours instead of 0100 hours, clear?" Winters paused for a moment before he carried on talking "good because i want you all to get a full nights sleep tonight which means in the morning you'll report to me that you made it across the river but were unable to secure any German prisoners, understand?" everyone nodded. Once they had left everyone cheered slightly as they knew that they would be moving off the line but Rose thought about how she could be moved from easy company.

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