Part Four

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It had been a couple of days and easy company were sat inside a building watching a movie, Rose sat next to Skip and in front of Luz who was having some fun annoying Toye and Lip. "hey skip" Malarkey shouted as he made his way over to his friend with people shushing him as he went, "where've you been? i've been looking all over for you" Don said as he said down next to Rose "well Don i was home but then Hitler started this whole thing so now i'm here" Rose zoned in on the film as she rested her head on Skip's shoulder as Don gave him some money he had borrowed. Rose pulled on her new jacket as she felt a chill run up her spine as the doors burst open and Dike marched in "elements of the first and panda division have broken through on the forest, all officers report the respective HQ's, all passes are cancelled" he then marched out again as everyone got up to leave, Rose grabbed her cigarette box from her pocket and gave Skip and Malarkey one as they walked out, they each lit them up and walked to where they needed to be.

"hey, Geney" Rose shouted as she spotted Roe and walked towards him "get as many medical supplies together as you can, make sure you have morphine" Roe nodded and Rose looked around to try and find Winters, once she spotted him she began to head that way but hesitated when she saw Dike. Rose didn't know what it was but Dike always got really nervous around her so it was always awkward but when she saw that he wasn't leaving she walked up just as Buck and Peacock were leaving, "sir" she said as she saluted the men "there is nowhere near enough medical supplies, i've got all the medics getting what they can but i fear it won't be enough" Dike nodded "well... errr..." he stuttered which caused Rose to huff and look at Richard who looked shocked at Dike "find as much as you can and then get in a truck" Winters said, Rose nodded and headed away.

Rose found herself on the ground of a truck with her head resting on Skip's shoulder as they bobbed from side to side with the movements of the truck. Rose wasn't really paying attention to the conversation happening around her until Bill asked what a replacements name was and then Babe asked him if he had any ammo to which he replied "just what i'm carrying" then someone asked if he had extra socks which caused Rose to roll her eyes "you need four minimum" Skip started "feet, hands, neck, balls..." and then everyone joined in "extra socks warms them all"

Rose's ears pricked up when the replacement said he had some smokes and then everyone held out a hand in order to take some "hey, don't steal all his smokes guys"she said as she snuggled closer to Skip in order to steal some of his warmth.

The trucks finally stopped and everyone got out and Rose found her way to a find Roe to ask about some medical supplies when a badly wounded soldier walked past her. Rose looked back and saw that there were many soldiers walking very slowly past and she realized this would be who they were replacing. Rose made her way over to Winters as she saw easy company men began to get the ammo off the men, a car arrived with a lieutenant "hey any medical supplies in there?" she asked with a smile and the man held out one box "that's all i've got" Rose grabbed it and walked back to a fire "hey medics around me!" she shouted and she placed the box on the ground, all the medics gathered around and stared at the box "separate this equally, make sure you all get some of everything" Rose nodded to them and they dived into the box grabbing as much as they could and Roe handed what was left to Rose.

Easy company then began to make their way into Bastogne ready for anything because thats what paratroopers were.

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