Part Three

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Rose had been called off to a bullet wound nearer the front line, obviously there was no aid station so Rose had to wrap the wound tight so the marine could go back to firing. Rose walked down the cliff slightly and saw Eugene and Snafu head off to presumably get some more rounds, it was dark and the only light was the flares that went off every now and then so Rose found it hard to see where she was going. Rose found herself bent down next to Burgin who smiled at her "ma'am" he greeted and Rose rolled her eyes jokingly "sergeant, like i said when we first met, call me Rose" Burgin smiled at the women before she ran off in the direction that a shout for help had come from, even though he had just met her, he had spent years listening to Eugene talk about her and he could tell that she would do anything to protect her friends. Burgin also had respect for the female medic because of the way she handled herself, with the sergeant the day they first met and with the army officer.

The sun had risen and Rose was sat next to Eugene, she watched as Eugene wrote in his bible while he smoked his pipe but the silence was interrupted by Hamm "why aren't we giving them safe massage?" Snafu didn't even look up when he asked "What're you talking about?" Hamm stared at his toothbrush and toothpaste "the civilians... we should be... we should be giving them safe conduct" Rose stood up and made her way to sit next to the marine as Eugene answered "a lot of them are helping the Japs Hamm" Rose sat down next the upset man"Hamm right?" Rose asked as she looked at Hamm who nodded "that the first time you saw someone get killed?" Hamm nodded again as Layden began to say "the first time you see someone get killed... it's something" Rose nodded "definitely" and Layden carried on "i was 15, buddy and i were up in the subway, we went through a tunnel that was a little too small i fractured my skull and his brains... got sprayed all over my face and chest" Rose looked with her mouth hanging open "you never forget something like that" Snafu looked up and began to smile "it's a good thing your heads so hard, you got nine lives Bill Layden" Rose laughed slightly as Hamm looked towards her "what was your... when..." Rose smiled "my first death was on d-day, it was german so i wasn't really that bothered" Rose saw Eugene look towards her as Hamm and Layden listened "now the first time i saw an American die was in..." Rose paused for a moment "carentan?" she questioned herself before carrying on "he had been shot in the neck and when i got there it was too late, i remember his uniform being covered in blood and his eyes staring at me, i can't remember his name but i will always remember his face" Rose looked at Hamm who nodded "Like Layden said, you always remember something like that"

The three soldiers turned and looked at Snafu who was looking at Peck "what's the matter Kathy? one day of combat and you're all worn out" Rose pulled out a packet of lucky strikes from her pocket and lit one up and Layden looked towards her "are those lucky strike?" he asked as they stopped listening to Snafu Rose nodded and then held out the packet towards him, Layden smiled before he took one and hesitated before he took another "thanks ma'am" Rose shook her head and took a drag of her cigarette "call me Rose" Layden nodded before they both started to pay attention to the conversation in front of them "... they'll get meaner and meaner, you better get mean too" Snafu quickly grabbed the paper that Peck was holding. Snafu made a couple of sounds of approval that made Rose role her eyes slightly "now that is a piece of arse" Rose walked over to Eugene who got the paper after saying "watch your manners, that's someone's wife you're talking about" but at soon as he saw the picture he let out a breathless "wow! i'd marry that" Rose hit his slightly on the arm "Eugene!" she said before she grabbed the paper, she looked at the picture then towards the writing "i thought your name was Peck?" she asked as Layden grabbed the paper "Kathy Jones?" the paper was snatched back as Peck sat down with a huff, Rose lent against Eugene slightly "that's not your wife" she stated "do you actually have a wife?" but Rose was ignored as Peck answered "i met her after i was drafted" silence overcame the group.

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