Part Eight

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It was getting closer to the time where e-company were going to attack Foy, Buck had been taken out of the aid station and like Lip said Malarkey was there to see him off but Rose wasn't. Rose had stayed at the front line and all the men had noticed how she had changed, she didn't smile as much and when she did smile everyone could tell that it was fake, and everyone could see that for some unknown reason she was mad at herself, Rose was mad at herself because she had broken her promise, the promise to herself to always keep smiling. Lip had been worried about her so the night before the attack on Foy he had taken her with him to see Winters. Lip and Rose where both stood outside of Winter's tent smoking when Winters walked past them "Rose, Lip, i didn't take you for a smoking man" the pair followed the captain into the tent and lip began to speak "we've been watched Foy all day sir and not much activity" Winters walked over to the seat and sat down "what's easy companies status?" he asked looking worriedly at the girl who was staring off into space "the men are fine sir, prepared, i'm gonna be leading second platoon tomorrow, probably the weakest after losing Toye and Guarnere, Muck and Penkala... but all and all i have every confidence in the men sir. but on the other hand i have no confidence in our CO sir" Winters looked up at Lip in a way that told him to carry on "Lieutenant Dike is an empty uniform sir, he's just, he's not there sir" Winters looked down and answered "yes sir, i understand he will be there physically but tomorrow's gonna be the real deal and he's going to have to lead those men, he gonna have to make decisions sir and i... i gotta tell you sir i think he's gonna get a lot of easy company men killed"

Rose looked towards Lip shocked that he had actually spoke his mind and a silence filled the air before Winters dismissed Lip but held Rose back "aright on medical supplies?" he asked and Rose nodded "yeah, Geney should be back soon from the aid station getting some more supplies" Winters nodded and then opened his mouth as if to say something but he then closed it again "i'm fine sir" Rose stated somehow knowing what question Winters really wanted to ask. The captain smiled sadly at the medic before he stood up and walked closer to her "now i don't think that's true Sargent do you?" Rose looked down at the ground before she looked back up at Winters with tears in her eyes "its ok" Winters stated just before Rose broke. Tears rushed down her cheeks as sobs broke out of her mouth, Winters wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug as neither of them spoke and the only noises that could be heard coming from the tent was the cries of easy companies female medic.

The Girl In The War (Under Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang