Part One

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Easy company was moving into Haguenau on trucks, Rose's eyes were closed and she wasn't listening to what was around her but she was not sleeping either, she was in a sort of daze between being awake and asleep. Her head was resting of Joe Liebgott's lap, her and Joe had always been friends but they weren't as close as other men where with Rose but since the death of Skip and Penkala and Buck leaving, Joe had taken it upon himself to become closer to the medic to make sure she was alright as she only had one close friend left, Malarkey, but anyone could see that he was struggling. Rose's feet were stretched across Babe's legs as both Joe and Babe held her on so she didn't fall on the ground of the truck. Babe was gentry stroking Rose's leg in a brotherly way hoping that it was helping the girl sleep. Rose began to hear voices around her and when she opened her eyes she saw David Webster sat across from her, "you must have liked that hospital" Joe said as he looked down at Rose who had began to move "well i wasn't there the whole time" Web started to defend himself "there was rehabilitation, then the replacement depo" Rose sat up and rubbed her eyes slightly as they adjusted to the light "hey Web" she said interrupting any mean words that could be passed by Joe "long time no see" she smiled slightly at him before the truck came to a stop and everyone piled out, Rose jumped down first leaving someone else to explain what happened to Bill as she didn't like to think about it. Rose walked into the town and was followed by Malarkey who ordered the men to stay put for a bit, "Don, i'm gonna go find Lip, he'll need his temperature checking" Malarkey nodded at the medic and offered her a cigarette, Rose smiled and took it, took out her lighter and lit it up and began to walk away just as Web walked up to Malarkey. A large explosion caused Rose to duck slightly and when she looked back she giggled to herself when she saw Web laying on the floor, the rest of easy company had become accustomed to the sound of explosion so it didn't really bother them that much.

Rose walked into a building and saw Lip walking around "hey, what are you doing?" she asked with a stern look on her face "you need rest" Rose walked up to Lip and gently pushed him down onto the sofa "hey George" Luz turned to the medic as she looked through her bag for a thermometer "can you see if you can find a blanket?" Luz nodded as Web walked through the door "hey look who it is" Roose placed the thermometer into Lip's mouth and waited for it to read his temperature, Luz walked back over to the sofa with a blanket as Web asked if lip was alright "he has pneumonia" Rose answered as she pulled the thermometer out of the soon to be lieutenant's mouth "your temperature is going down" Luz looked at Web before he said "what are you sorry about, he's alive, he's got a couch and a blanket, snug as a bug" Rose smiled as she held her hand up to Lip's head and grabbed her lighter "look into the lighter for me Woody" As Rose was checking Lip out a new lieutenant walked into the room, Lip went to stand up but was pushed back down by Rose "is this the company CP for Easy? Lieutenant Jones looking for captain speirs" Lip picked up a piece of paper and answered "he's on his way, why don't you have a seat sir?" Rose placed everything back into her bag and stood in front of the couch "you do know there's beds right Woody? You could go back have a little nap and be awake before anyone noticed you were gone" The new lieutenant watched the female medic closely and was surprised at how she talked to her superiors "i'm fine Tiny, i could use a coffee though" Rose let out a loud sigh before walking over to where the coffee was to make Lip his coffee.

Speirs walking into the room holding something gold just as Rose handed Lip his cup of coffee and Lip began to tell him who the lieutenant was but Speirs cut him off from speaking "listen, for christ sake, will you go back in the back and sack out there's some beds with some fresh sheets" Speirs looked to his side and saw Rose smirking a Lip "what are you smirking at Rose?" Rose looked between the captain and Lieutenant "because, Sir, i had just told him to go get some rest but he didn't listen to me" The captain looked at the medic and smiled slightly "well now it's doctors orders Lip you have to listen" Lip was about to say something back but Winters and Nixon walked through the door "listen up" he said "regiment wants patrol for prisoners" Rose walked towards the door "this one comes straight from Colonel Sink so it's not my idea" Rose squeezed past Nixon while saying "well it must be a terrible idea then sir" Both Winters and Nixon laughed as the female medic walked out the door on her way to find her friends.

Rose found the house that Malarkey was stationed in and walked up to him, he was staring out of the window down at the path "hey Don" Rose said as she leaned next to him "hey Tiny" the pair stood in silence, the only sound filling the room was the other soldiers talking but Rose and Malarkey didn't need to talk all they needed was each others presence.

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