Part One

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Easy company were in a barn and Rose was sit next to Luz as Talbert talked to Winters about the replacements "i swear one of them's never shaved" Rose giggled while her and Luz played with the dog Talbert had found, Luz stroked the dog and said "this is one hell of a dog Tab" for some reason the dog reminded Rose of Eugene's dog Deacon "Eugene has a dog" she stated which caused Richard to look at her "doc had a dog?" he asked, Rose held back a laugh "no, err Eugene Sledge a friend from back home" Luz turned and winked at the medic before he asked "your marine Eugene?" Rose rolled her eyes and stood up "he's not my marine" with that she walked away and towards the door that soon burst open "we've got penetration, Alley's been shot" Rose jumped forward and grabbed her bag "get him on the table" she ordered as she pulled out some bandages, she handed one to Liebgott who was bleeding from his neck before she began to work on Alley, she blocked everyone out as she ordered the people around her to elevate the leg that was bleeding heavily, Winters walked behind the girl and asked "do you think doc can handle this on his own so you can come with us?" Roe nodded and pushed Rose slightly towards the door with the rest of easy company.

It was pitch back outside so it was hard for Rose to see but she made sure to keep with the rest of the company as they stealthily moved. Richard stopped "this is our fall back position, motors deploy here, 1st squad on me, Rose you stay with the motors for now we'll shout if we need you" Rose nodded and crouched down next to Skip and the motors began to set up. Rose listened intently waiting to be shouted "i don't like being this far away" she stated, skip looked at her questionably "what if i can't get there in time" Skip suddenly realized what she was saying, what if she can't get to someone in time and they died "as long as you do your best, it's all we can ask for" Rose nodded slightly as Malarky came back with orders. Gunshots rang through the air as the motors fired and they were joined by the rest of the company. "medic" was shouted and Rose jumped into action but when she got there Dukeman was already dead due to the gunshot to the heart.

"go on the red smoke" winters ordered as easy company waited to set off running, Rose was told to wait a while and stay with the motors before following which she did, she hid behind the front line of easy company waiting to be needed. Rose crouched next to Web as he had been shot and she began to wrap his wound as large explosions began around them. Rose was busy making sure everyone was alright and she walked next to Johnny where the prisoners where "they all alright?" she asked and jumped down into the hall, she grabbed her canteen which was filled with water and handed it is one that looked about the same age as her and smiled gently. Johnny watched the act of kindness with a smile on his face as Liebgott walked over to take the prisoners to battalion CP.

The Girl In The War (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now