Part Two

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K-company was walking along a muddy and wet path, some men slipped and others steadied themselves as best they could, Rose was walking between Eugene and Burgin at the front as they watched the natives walk past them, many were carrying everything they owned but others had nothing and that made Rose frown a little bit. Rose smiled towards a little boy that looked towards her and Eugene, Rose heard a voice behind them ask "are they prisoners?" Eugene rolled his eyes a little bit before answering "no" and Burgin elaborated "we don't take prisoners" a large explosion interrupted the conversation and Eugene looked towards Rose to make sure she was alright but his eyes squinted a bit when they saw that she didn't even flinch, "take it easy, that's outgoing" someone said to one of the replacements, Bugin took a breath before he carried on the conversation "they're okinawans" and Rose rolled her eyes slightly when the replacement replied "they look like Japs" Rose spoke up "well they're not" and then she heard Snafu say "shut the fuck up, don't you hear right their okinawans" Rose listened as the conversation turned to Peck's wife and she just rolled her eyes. Rose stopped paying attention and concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other without falling and when she looked up she saw a couple a Japanese army prisoners, she just walked past not paying attention but when she realized she wasn't followed she looked around and saw one of the prisoners stood up blocking the path with the marines shouting "shoot it!" "kill it!" and Rose walked back as the army guy defended his prisoner "hey what's wrong?" Rose asked as she made it back, the army man looked at Rose chevrons and saw that she was a lieutenant and answered "these men attacked my prisoners, i want his rank and serial number" he said pointing towards Eugene who just glared at him "alright, alright!" Rose shouted "everyone just calm down, i'm their lieutenant i can handle them" Rose looked towards the Japanese soldiers "do you speak Japanese?" she asked as she held out her hand for the prisoner to take and she helped him to stand, the army officer looked at the woman "i'm the intelligence officer" he answered like it meant something, Rose stared into the man's eyes and said "well maybe you should use your intelligence and get these men out of the way" the men around Rose looked at her shocked for a moment and then the shocked looked turned towards the officer as he began to stumble over his words under the intense glare of the medic "yes... yes ma'am" Eugene looked at Rose with a blank expression, he had seen that look many times but it seemed harder, scarier and more intense but he stopped looking and looked at the ground at Rose turned to the company "lets move it" Rose ordered as she began to walk again with k-company following behind her.

Bullets began to fly as the company found some cover while the leaders of the company tried to find where they were meant to be, from one side to the other, they moved narrowly avoiding bullets and death, they climbed up a large cliff until they got to a muddy area and Rose nodded towards Bugin who began to shout orders of where men should be or go, Rose took cover next to Eugene and listened to any cries for help or corpsman or medic.

The fighting went into the night as rain began to bombard the soldiers, Rose was drenched in her poncho as it was two sizes too big as she made her way around checking that everyone was ok and when she made it back to Eugene she saw him helping a replacement dig his foxhole. Rose crouched down as Eugene looked towards her as Snafu went on about him not caring "you not digging?" Eugene asked and Rose shook her head "i won't be sleeping" Eugene looked towards his childhood friend "i'll keep moving around, checking on everyone and when i need a rest i'll just join you" Rose smirked and then shrugged slightly and Eugene just smiled at her before he handed out the sticks of wood he had gotten. Rose was about to walk away when a bad stench filled her nose, it was almost as bad as the smell of the camp easy had found in Germany and that made Rose realize that it was a dead body.

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