Part Six

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Easy were back off the front line and Rose was stood outside the building where everyone was having something eat having a smoke. She shook her head when she saw More and Malarky ride to her on a bike that they had clearly stolen, she put out the cigarette and made her way inside and sat next to Bill Guarnere as they listened to Smokey's poem about Talbert getting injured, everyone laughed including Rose but her attention was drawn away by Bill stopping a new recruit from walking "you Heffron?" he asked but Rose zoned out until they shook hands and Bill shoved her off the seat and told him to sit down, Rose let out a huff and sat down next to Luz across from the new guy and held out her hand "hey, i'm..." she was cut off by Bill "Tiny, this is tiny" Rose glared at him before continuing "Rose, Im Rose" the replacement smiled "Babe, Babe Heffron"

The fun was interrupted by Lipton standing up "a couple of announcements men and woman" he quickly added knowing rose would complain if he didn't "first the training exercise scheduled for 2200 has been cancelled, secondly, all passes are hereby revoked , we're heading back to France so pack up all your gear we will not be returning to England" Rose looked down and frowned before looking back up and getting up from her seat and moving towards Malarky "we need to pick up our laundry" she stated while patting him on shoulder.

The next day Malarky and Rose had made their way to the laundry place and Malarky opened the door "hello" the pair walked in and made their way in "good morning, Miss Lamb, sorry to bother you so early" Miss lamb smiled "oh don't worry private..." "Malarky" Rose nunged his arm slightly and stated "its sargent now, he was promoted" Malarkey rolled his eyes playfully "this is Johnson" he stated and they were both handed their freshly down laundry and turned to leave but was called back "oh, Meehan's one of yours too isn't he? i hope he hasn't forgotten his laundry" Rose's smiled faded and Malarky looked at her worriedly. Rose left Malarky inside and she waited for him outside holding back tears has she thought about D-day.

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