3 In the Beginning: Part 2

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May 29th, 2008

Sam was still obsessing over researching, we still barely talked, but I had finally cleaned the place up and started eating a little. The only thing I had seen Sam consume lately was alcohol.

He was completely drunk and frantically scribbling down research while reading. I was getting nervous because he kept getting up and pacing, so while he was distracted by writing, I swiped the keys to the Impala so he couldn't drive anywhere.

Eventually, he got up and started searching around for the keys, like I suspected he would.

He started moving stuff around sloppily, dropping some things on the floor as he searched. "Where're the keys?" he slurred.

I shrugged. "I don't know. where are you trying to go?"

Sam ignored me and shook his head, continuing to search for the keys he would never find.

I jumped when he knocked his research off the table, he knocked over one of the chairs and then opened the door and slammed it behind him.

I got up and peered out of the window at him, stumbling around in the parking lot. I opened the door and followed after him. He continued to swig whiskey along the walk and increasingly got more drunk.

I followed him for a while, completely undetected, and then he stopped on a dirt road. It wasn't until he started burying something small in the dirt that I realized we were at a crossroads.

"Come on! Where the hell are you?!" Sam shouted sloppily and threw the now empty whiskey bottle at a road sign.

"Sam! You promised!" I yelled at him as I approached.

He turned around and rolled his eyes. "Maddison! Go back to the motel!" He pointed for me to walk down the road.

Suddenly a voice came from off the side of a beaten-down old gas station. "I was wondering whether to come or not. I mean, you shot one of my co-workers."

"Is that what you were doing while you were gone?!" I yelled angrily.

The demon chuckled as he looked Sam up and down. "Don't take this the wrong way, Sam, but you don't look so hot, buddy. I guess burying your brother didn't agree with you."

"Well?" Sam asked as he walked closer to the demon, stopping in front of a small table in front of the gas station.

"Well, let's see that special little knife of yours first," the demon said.

Sam took the knife out and slammed it down onto the table. "No devil's traps, either. I'm not here to play games."

"Well, let me guess." The demon approached the table. "You want to make a deal. And 'round and 'round the Winchester's go." He placed his hands on the table in a threatening way. "I'm sorry, Sam. That's not gonna happen."

Sam quickly picked up the knife and stabbed it into the demon's hand. "I don't want ten years. I don't want one year. I don't want candy! I want to trade places with Dean."

"Sam!" I yelled.

Sam gave me a glare over his shoulder and turned back to the demon.

The demon shook his head. "No."

"Just take me! It's a fair trade!" Sam shouted.

"No!" the demon yelled in pain.

"Why not?" Sam asked. "Lilith wants me dead. Just let Dean go, and she can have me."

"Don't you understand, Sam?" The demon smiled. "It's not about your soul. Dean's in Hell, right where we want him. We've got everything exactly the way we want it. You want to kill me? Go ahead. I've made peace with my Lord."

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