19 The Rapture: Part 1

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May 3rd - May 5th, 2009

After Dean woke with a gasp, he had us pile into the Impala and hit the road. Castiel had come to him in a dream and gave him a location. He told Dean that he needed to speak to him and that it was very important.

Eventually, we pulled up to a warehouse and walked in with our flashlights on.

"Well, what did he say, Dean? What was so important?" Sam asked.

"If I knew, would I be here?" Dean asked as we ascended a set of stairs, where we found the room completely ripped apart. "What the hell?"

"It looks like a bomb went off," Sam said.

Dean nodded. "There was a fight here."

"Between who?" Sam asked.

Dean shined his flashlight over the wall until it landed on a symbol painted in blood. "Check it out. Look familiar?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, it does."

I nodded. "Anna drew the same thing before."

"So, what? Cass was fighting angels?" Sam asked.

Dean shook his head. "I don't know." He continued walking and then spotted something. "Guys," he said and then started running toward it.

Sam and I ran over and found him helping Castiel up from a pile of rubble.

"Cass?" Dean shook Castiel's shoulder. "Hey, Cass?"

Castiel looked around, terrified, and pushed Dean off of him. "What's— What's— What's going on?"

"Just take it easy," Dean said with his hands on Castiel's shoulders. "Take it easy."

Castiel shook his head. "Oh. No."

"Cass, you okay?" Sam asked.

Castiel groaned. "Castiel. I'm not Castiel. It's me."

I furrowed my brow. "And who would that be?"

"Jimmy. My name's Jimmy," he said.

"Where the hell is Castiel?" Dean asked.

Jimmy shook his head. "He's gone."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We brought Jimmy back to the motel and picked up burgers along the way.

Jimmy sat at the table with us and devoured his burger. "Mmm."

Dean furrowed his brow at him. "You mind slowing down? You're gonna give me angina."

"I'm hungry," Jimmy said with a mouth full of food.

"When's the last time you ate?" Sam asked.

Jimmy shrugged. "I don't know. Months." He took another bite of his burger and continued chewing it desperately. "Mmm. Mmm. Mmm!"

"What the hell happened back there?" Sam asked. "It looked like an angel battle royale."

Jimmy shook his head. "All I remember is a flash of light, and I, uh— I woke up, and I was just, ya know, like, me again." He took the last bite of his burger and then looked down at my half-eaten one almost in desperation.

"Uh, here," I said and pushed it toward him.

He picked it up and continued eating like a crazy person.

"So, what? Cass just ditched out of your meat suit?" Dean asked.

Jimmy shook his head. "I really don't know."

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