16 It's a Terrible Life: Part 1

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March 1st - March 24th, 2009

I woke up like I did every morning, hitting my alarm and jumping out of bed. Today was a little different though, it was my first day interning for Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc. Even though the internship was an assignment for my marketing class, I couldn't be happier because today, I was going to change my life for the better.

You see, my mother was a manic-depressive, barely functioning alcoholic. I started working under the table anywhere that would let me when I was about ten just to pay the bills so I could have a warm place to sleep at night. Mom barely came out of her room except on her good days, which weren't really good at all. I would usually be stuck babysitting my manic mother. Thankfully, those days were rare, but they were without warning, and usually, I would come home to a "cleaned up" house after a long day of school and/or work just to put it back to normal again. Sadly, I preferred the days that she stayed in her room and only spoke to me when she gave me a call to bring her another bottle of booze.

So, today I was going to make the best first impression I'd ever made in my whole life. My plan was to hopefully get an honest job out of this internship when I was old enough, and then I would leave this town behind me.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out the most expensive blouse and pants I had ever purchased, just for the internship. Once I finished getting dressed, I walked out of my room, ate some breakfast, and then brushed my teeth. I put my jacket on and went to step out of the door.

Ring! Ring!

I rolled my eyes and groaned when I saw the number. I answered my phone, "Give me a second." I hung up, walked over to the fridge, and pulled out a bottle of whiskey.

I walked into my mom's dark room, which smelled of alcohol and BO, and set the bottle on her nightstand.

"Thanks, baby," she slurred.

"Yeah. There's eggs and toast in the kitchen, how about you follow this up with some actual sustenance," I said and then left the room.

"I love you," she slurred before I closed the door.

I ignored her and left the house.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

About twenty minutes later, I was staring up at a massive skyscraper with the words, Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc., plastered on the front of it. I took a deep breath, feeling a little bit nervous, but excited all at once. I put a big smile on my face and then walked into the building and straight up to the front desk.

"Hi!" I smiled at the girl behind the desk. "I'm here for an internship for my school."

"Hey!" She smiled brightly back at me. "You must be Maddison Remington! I heard you were coming today." She turned to her computer and started typing. "Okay, let's see." She clicked a couple things. "Looks like you're going to be with Sam Wesson up in Tech Support today."

"Oh." I giggled nervously. "I'm not great with computers, I thought I would be doing something with the marketing part of the business."

She laughed. "Oh, don't worry, you'll be working with different sections of the company throughout the week."

I smiled. "Thank god. I was a little nervous."

She smiled and walked around her desk. "You'll do great. Don't worry, there's no pressure, we aren't expecting you to do anything crazy while you're here." She waved for me to follow her. "Come on. I'll bring you up to meet him." I followed after her, and she turned to look at me as we walked. "I'm Olivia, by the way. You can call me if there are any problems or if you need a lunch buddy."

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