4 Metamorphosis: Part 2

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When we made it back to the motel, Dean pulled into a spot and shut the engine off. "When we go in, just follow my lead, okay?"

I nodded and then followed him out of the Impala and to our door. Sam was sitting at the table, reading, as we entered, but as soon as we did, he jumped up immediately. Dean, on the other hand, didn't look at Sam at all as he walked over and grabbed his bag, and started packing. I did as he asked and did the same thing.

Sam walked over to us. "What are you doing?"

I looked up at Sam and then glanced over at Dean, who was just completely ignoring him.

"What, are you— are you leaving?" Sam asked, exasperated.

Dean shrugged. "You don't need us. You and Ruby go fight demons." He grabbed his bag and then mine and turned toward the door.

Sam stepped in front of us, causing us to have to walk around him.

Sam sighed. "Hold on. Come on."

Dean suddenly turned around, dropped the bags, and punched him in the face.

I gasped, not expecting that.

Sam righted himself and then faced Dean again. "You satisfied?"

Dean punched him again.

Sam again straightened himself out and touched his now bleeding lip. "I guess not."

"Do you even know how far off the reservation you've gone? How far from normal? From human?" Dean asked, angrily.

"I'm just exorcising demons," Sam said.

"With your mind!" Dean yelled. "What else can you do?"

"I can send them back to Hell. It only works with demons, and that's it," Sam said.

Dean grabbed ahold of Sam's collar and pushed him back as he got in his face. "What else can you do?!"

"I told you!" Sam yelled and then pushed Dean off of him.

"And I have every reason in the world to believe that." Dean scoffed and then turned back to me and our bags.

"Look, I should have said something," Sam admitted.

Dean stopped, his back still turned to Sam.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I am. But try to see the other side here," Sam said.

"The other side?" Dean asked, now turning to face Sam again.

"I'm pulling demons out of innocent people," Sam said.

"Use the knife!" Dean shouted.

"The knife kills the victim! What I do, most of them survive!" Sam yelled. "Look, I've saved more people in the last five months than we save in a year."

This statement started to make my blood boil because this meant he might have been lying to me for a lot longer than he had let on while it was just us.

"That what Ruby wants you to think? Huh? Kind of like the way she tricked you into using your powers? Or to leave our friggin' baby sister to fend for herself?!" Dean asked.

Sam looked shocked. "She had nothing to—"

"Slippery slope, brother. Just wait and see. Because it's gonna get darker and darker, and god knows where it ends," Dean continued.

Sam shook his head. "I'm not gonna let it go too far."

Dean walked over and smacked a lamp off of an end table. "It's already gone too far, Sam. If I didn't, know you... I would wanna hunt you."

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