16 It's a Terrible Life: Part 4

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So, the three of us went up to the fourteenth floor. When we turned down one of the hallways, we heard a scream from one of the rooms.

We ran down the hall until we stopped in front of room 14-44, where a man was screaming from inside. Sam tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. He moved back and then easily kicked the door in.

"Whoa," Dean and I said in unison.

We ran in and found a man trapped under a shelf. Sam and Dean hurried to lift it and help him up.

Then an old man, in an old, tattered suit, appeared behind Dean and flung him across the room and then shoved Sam and me to the floor. The man walked up to Sam, holding his hand out as it sparked with electricity.

"Dean!" I pointed to a giant wrench on the floor. "The wrench. Hit him."

Dean picked it up without hesitation and hit the man, then he dissipated.

"How'd you know to do that?" Sam asked, and he and Dean looked at me in shock.

I shook my head, surprised by myself. "I— I don't know."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dean and Sam were going back to Dean's apartment to talk about what had just happened and see if there was another step they could take. Dean told me that I could go with them... "Not in a creepy way or anything."

Even though I totally wanted to be a part of everything that was happening, I needed to get back home and rest. This internship was the most important thing to me right now, and I didn't want to mess it up. Nicely enough, Sam offered me his number to get a ride to Sandover the next day instead of walking.

When I got back to my house, I stood outside and groaned because the first thing I noticed from outside was that every single light in the house was on. I put my head down and sighed, not excited to see what the house might look like.

I walked in and found my mom standing in front of the stove, and the smell of burned pancakes hit me.

She turned around with a smile on her face. "Hi, baby! I'm making us pancakes for dinner!"

I smiled. "Hi Mom, they smell good." I walked up to her and kissed her on her cheek.

"Thanks." She smiled. "You got home just in time." She grabbed the plate of pancakes and walked over to the table.

I sighed and shut the stove off for her but smiled when I saw that she had the table all set up for us.

"Baby? Can you grab the orange juice out of the fridge?" she asked sweetly as she sat down.

I knew that there wasn't any orange juice in the fridge, but I decided to open the door to make her happy anyway. My heart sank as soon as I did.

"Hey, Mom? When did you go grocery shopping?" I asked as I looked into the fridge, which was now full of overpriced food that we didn't really need. I turned and opened the cupboards, and they were all also stuffed.

"Oh, yeah. I went shopping, I thought I would help you out." She smiled.

I laughed nervously and annoyed. "Where'd you get the money?"

"Well, I found it while I was cleaning your room." She smiled.

I felt my eyes bulge out, and my throat tighten, and I ran to my room. I slid on my knees and reached under my bed and pulled out the shoebox I had been collecting money in.

When I opened it, my heart broke, and I started crying. It was completely empty. I threw the box across the room and punched a hole right through my wall. My hand was throbbing with pain, but I didn't care.

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