10 Family Remains: Part 2

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In the living room, Dean circled us with a line of salt. "Whatever's outside, it can't get in this circle. As long as the salt line is unbroken, this is the safest place to be."

"Safe from ghosts?" Brian asked.

Dean nodded. "Yes, as a matter of fact."

Brian shook his head and stepped out of the circle. "Okay. I'm not listening to this anymore. Come on. I got to get my family out of here. Let's go." He gestured for his family to come, and they started moving.

Dean put his hand up. "Nobody's going anywhere until we kill this thing."

"Sir, please," Sam said calmly, "This is what we do. Just... trust us."

"You hunt ghosts?" Danny asked.

Dean nodded. "That's right."

"Like Scooby-Doo?" Danny asked excitedly.

I shrugged. "We're even better."

"You saw her outside, right?" Sam asked Kate, and she nodded. "Okay. Does she look like either one of these girls?" He showed her the pictures of Mr. Gibson's wife and daughter.

Kate pointed to the daughter. "Her. She was paler and a lot dirtier, but that was her."

Danny nodded. "That's the girl in the walls."

Sam turned to Dean and me. "So, it's the daughter."

"That girl in the picture... she— she's dead?" Susan asked.

Sam nodded. "She killed herself inside this house."

Susan and the kids looked horrified.

Dean shrugged. "So, what. The maid got her story wrong? Rebecca wasn't cremated?"

"Maybe her spirits attached to something in the house," I suggested.

"She hung herself in the attic, right?" Dean asked.

"You want to babysit? I'll check it out," Sam said and started walking away.

Dean patted my back and pointed. "You go get in that circle too."

"Look..." Ted said and moved out of the circle, causing Sam and me to stop in our tracks. "I don't care who hung themselves where. Maybe something is going on here, but—"

"It's a spirit, man." Dean turned to him.

Ted shook his head. "No, it's just some backwoods hillbilly bitch, and I'm not about to sit around here waiting for her to go all Deliverance on my ass."

"Well, nobody's leaving the house," Dean said.

"Stop me," Ted said and started walking again.

"Listen, man. I've got a gun. You don't get your ass back in that circle, you're gonna have yourself a third hole," Dean threatened.

Ted sighed angrily and joined his family in the circle.

Sam walked back over to Dean and me and whispered, "Dude, you don't have a gun."

"And?" Dean asked. "I'm not letting that bastard or anyone else die tonight."

Sam sighed. "You cool?"

Dean nodded. "Go."

Sam turned and left the room, and then Dean pointed for me to get in the circle again.

"Hey. Fonzie," Ted taunted, "Question for you. This indestructible force field made out of salt... have to be kosher stuff, or what?"

"Knock it off, Ted," Susan said.

Maddison Winchester: Journal 4 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now