1 Lazarus Rising: Part 1

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September 18th – September 20th, 2008

I hadn't talked to Sam in months, and honestly, I didn't even know where he was. Not that either of us had tried to call each other to find out if the other was even still alive. I stopped trying to check up on him after weeks of missed calls and unanswered voicemails.

I had been living with Bobby for about three months. He gave me my own room and allowed me to plaster the walls with paintings and drawings. I don't think he bothered saying anything since they were all of either Dean, Dad, Sam, or the four of us together like it used to be. In all honesty, I don't think he actually minded that much. They helped keep Dean's face fresh in our minds. Whether that was healthy or not was a whole other ball game.

Initially, Bobby was going to put me in school, but he ultimately decided against that. Even with fake IDs and backgrounds, if the school found out we were in no way related, I would have been taken from him. He would most likely end up in jail. We felt it was better to just live in peace the way we had been. Thank god for that too, because there was no way I wanted to step foot into a school and just pretend to be a normal kid after everything.

I woke up like I did any other day. I rolled out of bed, took a shower, got dressed, and had breakfast with Bobby. We shared some small talk like usual, and then I went back into my room to start a new drawing.

After a while, I just zoned out and started getting into the drawing. Once I stopped, what I had before me was unlike any drawing I had done before.

A patch of grass sat, surrounded by dozens of trees, all of which were pushed flat, almost like something had exploded outwards from the center of the grass. In the middle of the patch was a cross. I wasn't really sure why I ended up drawing this, but it felt really important. I felt like I knew what it was but didn't understand how or why.

Suddenly, as I was trying to figure out what exactly I had drawn, I heard an eerily familiar voice shouting from downstairs.

"I am not a shapeshifter!" the voice called out.

"Then you're a revenant!" Bobby shouted back.

I figured Bobby was in trouble, or something weird was happening. I jumped up from my desk and grabbed a baseball bat that was hidden under my bed. As I was running out of my room, I began pouring a bottle of holy water over the bat, just in case.

I rounded the corner into the kitchen. As I did, I saw a face that I never thought I would see again. Dean was standing in the kitchen, about to run a silver knife across his left arm. I instinctually rushed forward and swung the bat towards him. This couldn't actually be Dean. Something was definitely wrong.

As the bat arced towards the imposter, he quickly slid to the side, just narrowly dodging it.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's me, Maddi," the imposter said as he raised his hands, trying to show that he was not aggressive.

"Yeah, right, douchebag!" I yelled as I jabbed the end of the baseball bat into his stomach, causing him to hunch over in pain. I pulled the bat away and attempted another swing. This time, he side-stepped the bat and held his hands up again.

"Wait, wait, wait. Look." He ran the silver blade across his arm. "If I was a shapeshifter or a revenant, would I be able to do this?"

As he ran the blade across his arm, I stepped back, lowering the bat.

"Dean?" Bobby asked in almost a whisper.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you," Dean said.

Bobby walked forward, almost in tears, and embraced Dean in a tight hug.

"It's— It's good to see you, boy," Bobby said as he let go of Dean.

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