4 Metamorphasis: Part 1

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September 27th - September 29th, 2008

After leaving the motel, Dean and I made our way to 425 Waterman. Unfortunately, when we got there, we were both utterly disappointed and horrified by what we saw.

As we watched through the window of the old broken-down warehouse, Sam and a pretty brunette girl were confronting a demon, who was tied to a chair. The girl looked familiar, and when I realized who it was, I was pissed. She was the same girl we had met in Sam's motel room the first day Bobby, Dean, and I found him. Which meant he had been lying to us this whole time.

"Where's Lilith?" Sam asked.

"Kiss my ass," the demon hissed, and his eyes turned black.

"I'd watch myself if I were you." Sam smirked.

"Why? Huh? Because you're Sam Winchester, Mr. Big Hero?" The demon smiled. "And yet here you are, slutting around with some demon. Real hero."

"Shut your mouth," Sam demanded.

"Tell me about those months without your brother and sister. About all the things you and this demon bitch do in the dark." The demon laughed.

The brunette glanced over at Sam.

"Huh? Tell me, hero," the demon taunted.

Sam raised his hand, and then the demon started groaning in pain and put his head back. Suddenly, black smoke started flooding from the demon's mouth. The scary part about it was that Sam wasn't reciting an exorcism. He wasn't even speaking. He was exorcising the demon with his mind, while the brunette watched him proudly.

Dean and I gave each other a look and then went back to watching.

As the last bit of demon smoke left the man's body, his head went limp. Sam took a deep breath as the brunette smiled and glanced at the floor where the smoke had burned it. She looked up at Sam, and they exchanged a smile. He walked up to the unconscious man and checked his neck for a pulse, then he smiled up at the brunette. My only hope was that his smile meant the man was alive.

"How'd it feel?" the girl asked.

"Good." Sam nodded. "No more headaches." He knelt and began untying the man from the chair.

"None?" the girl asked. "That's good."

Sam smiled at her.

The man started to wake up, which caused Sam to turn his attention back to him. "Hey, hey. I got you. It's all right." He wrapped the man's arm around his shoulder and helped him stand, but as he approached the door, Dean and I entered the room and stepped in front of Sam.

I looked up at Dean and saw that he was about to explode with anger.

"So... anything you wanna tell us, Sam?" Dean asked.

Sam looked shocked, and his eyes widened as he set the man back down in the chair. "Dean, hold on, okay? Just let me—"

Dean cut him off. "You gonna say, 'let me explain'? You're gonna explain this?" he asked, "How about this? Why don't you start with who she is, and what the hell is she doing here?"

Sam looked back at the girl, who seemed totally calm.

"It's good to see you two again." She smiled at Dean and me.

"Ruby?" Dean and I asked in unison.

She smiled again.

Dean looked at Sam. "Is that Ruby?"

Sam didn't respond as a flash of guilt crossed his face, and Dean looked back at Ruby. After a moment, he lunged forward and slammed her against the wall. Then he pulled the demon knife out of his pocket.

Maddison Winchester: Journal 4 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now