11 Criss Angel Is a Douche Bag: Part 3

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We had spent a few hours at the police department being questioned, but after a while, we were escorted out when we were told that the charges had been dropped.

So, we headed back to the hotel to see why Jay would do that. Luckily when we got there, he was standing in the lobby as if he was waiting for us.

"Jay. Thanks for dropping the charges," Sam said as we walked up to him.

"You mind telling us why you did it?" Dean asked.

Jay looked anxious and upset. "We have to talk." He turned, and we followed him into the bar, and we sat at a table.

The waitress walked over and set a glass of whiskey in front of Jay as if she already knew what he would've wanted.

Jay sighed sadly. "I performed the table of death, and Charlie was found with ten stab wounds. Just like Vance. I was just a kid when we first met. All I knew was how to cheat at cards. Charlie got me out of more scrapes than I can count. Hell, I would have been dead by the age of twenty if it hadn't been for him..." He sighed. "He was more than my friend. He was my brother."

Sam nodded. "I'm sorry, Jay."

"Look, I should have listened to you guys when you told me that my show was killing people," Jay said.

"Well, you weren't the one pulling the trigger," Dean said.

Jay nodded. "Yeah, but someone did, and I want to find out who did this to Charlie, so I'll do whatever you guys say. Just tell me what to do."

"Jay, whoever's doing this... they like you. They're probably close to you. Did Charlie and Vernon get along?" Sam asked.

Jay shook his head. "No. No, it's not Vernon."

"He's the only one that makes sense," Dean said.

"Charlie and Vernon were your family, Jay," Sam said.

Dean nodded. "And now, Charlie's gone."

Jay nodded. "Yeah, but... they butted heads sometimes, but Vernon could never do something like this."

"See, the thing about real magic is it's a whole lot like crack. People do surprising things once they get a taste of it," Dean said.

"You better be damn sure about this. Vernon's all I got left," Jay said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The three of us snuck up to Vernon's room while Jay distracted him down in the theater.

"Wow. It's like a... magic museum," Sam said in awe as he opened the door.

"You must be in Heaven. This guy doesn't travel light," Dean said, looking around at all the old memorabilia and props Vernon had in his room.

"He's been on the road his whole life. Probably everything he owns is in this room," Sam said.

Dean nodded. "Let's get started."

We searched around Vernon's room for a bit but weren't finding anything out of the ordinary.

Dean sighed. "This is just a bunch of old-timey magic stuff... none of it magic."

Sam shrugged. "No herbs, no candles, and no tarot cards."

Dean walked over to one of the walls and stared at a poster. "I'll be damned."

"What?" Sam asked, and we walked over to him.

Dean pointed to the poster. "Look like anyone we know?"

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