9 Heaven and Hell: Part 4

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Dean came back about an hour later, with Pamela. We waited in the basement as Dean guided her down the stairs.

"We're here!" Dean shouted when they reached the bottom step.

Sam ran over and hugged her. "Pamela, hey!"

"Sam?" Pamela asked as she ran her fingers over his face.

Sam nodded. "It's me. It's Sam"

Pamela continued to run her fingers over Sam's face and chest. "Sam?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah."

"Sam is that you?" she asked again as she slowly lowered her hands down his chest to his stomach.

"I'm right here." He laughed.

"Oh. Know how I can tell?" Pamela grabbed Sam's butt. "That perky little ass of yours. You could bounce a nickel off that thing."

I frowned at the fact that I just watched her grope one of my brothers.

"Of course, I know it's you, grumpy." Pamela smiled and then turned to Ruby, Anna, and me. "Same way, I know that's a demon and that poor girl's Anna, and that Maddi's disturbed by what I just did..." She turned to Sam. "And that you've been eyeing my rack."

"Uh— Uh— Uh—" Sam stuttered.

Pamela laughed. "Don't sweat it, kiddo. I still got more senses than most."

Sam nodded. "Got it."

"Hey, Anna." Pamela walked over and grabbed her hands. "How are you? I'm Pamela."

Anna smiled. "Hi."

"Dean told me what's been going on. I'm excited to help." Pamela smiled at her.

"Oh. That's nice of you," Anna said.

Pamela shrugged. "Oh, well, not really. Any chance I can dick over an angel, I'm taking it."

"Why?" Anna asked.

"They stole something from me," Pamela said as she removed her sunglasses to reveal her white eyes. "Demon-y, I know. But they're just plastic. Good for business. Makes me look extra-psychic, don't you think?" She laughed and then put her glasses back on. "Now... how about you tell me what your deal is?" She put her hand around Anna and then walked her back into the panic room. "Hmm? Don't you worry." She had Anna lay down on the bed and relax. "Nice and relaxed. Now, I'm going to count down from five to zero. When we're at zero, you'll be in a deep state of hypnosis. As I count down, just go deeper and deeper, okay? Five... four... three... two... one. Deep sleep. Deep sleep. Every muscle calm and relaxed. Can you hear me?"

"I can hear you," Anna said, robotically.

"Now, Anna, tell me... how can you hear the angels? How did you work that spell?" Pamela asked.

"I don't know. I just did," Anna said.

"Your father... what's his name?" Pamela asked.

"Rich Milton," Anna said.

Pamela nodded. "All right. But I want you to look further back... when you were very young... just a couple of years old."

"I don't want to," Anna said and then started to fidget slightly.

"It'll be okay," Pamela assured her, "Anna, just one look... that's all we need."

"No." Anna started to squirm with her eyes still closed.

"What's your dad's name? Your real dad. Why is he angry at you?" Pamela asked.

"No. No! No." Anna screamed. "No!"

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