• Truth

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It was another shitty day at the cut in outer banks. There was one, a hurricane warning, and two JJ and you were in a fight. It wasn't a terrible fight it was just a small one. You both would bicker at each other for the most stupidest things. You knew him since you were 2. Then you met John B, Kiara, and Pope. Kiara is like a sister to you. She was always there for you and she is now.

"So what happened?" Kiara asked as you had tears running from your eyes.

"JJ and I got into another stupid fight. He's been drinking too much, smoking too much, and he just lies about it. It hurts that he would even lie to me. It wouldn't have hurt my feelings so bad if he would've told the truth Kie."

"Well that's JJ for you. He's a dumb ass. You guys fight like a married couple. If JJ loves you enough, which he does, he'll come back. Trust me." She says hugging you.

"Wanna go to Heyward's and see if Pope and his dad need any help?" She asks and you nod. 

The two of you then spent most of the day helping Pope take things across to Kook territory. You all hated the Kooks and even being on their side of the island but that's what you have to do to get some money.

"Hey Y/n! You are looking nice today!" You hear from the golf course.

"Oh great." You mumble and see Rafe and Topper.

"What do you got in those bags? Need any help?" Rafe asks seriously.

"Like you would ever help me. Now I'd like to go because these bags are getting pretty heavy." You say holding the bags up.

"No Y/n I'm actually serious, I want to help." He says putting the golf club down and grabbing one of the bags making you surprised. 

"Is Rafe Cameron actually gonna help me out?" You asked laughing.

"Yeah. I am." He smiles and starts walking. 

"You coming?" He asks turning around and leaving me speechless. 

You would have never thought Rafe would help you with anything. This is the first time you've ever seen Rafe do something nice for once and it actually made you happy. Maybe he is changing for the good. 

"So what made you wanna help me?" You asked Rafe as you both walked back from dropping off the bags.

"I don't know. Just felt like you needed help." He says looking at you.

"Oh. Interesting." 

"Do you want me to walk back with you?" He asks.

"I'm good but thanks for the help!" You yelled to him as you went back to Pope's boat.

"Why the hell were you walking with Rafe?" Kiara asks.

"He offered to help me carry the bags to the houses. It was really surprising to be honest. It wowed me." You explain.

"Like he actually helped, like no flirting or anything?" Pope asks.

"Nope. He was being super nice which is odd." 

"That is odd." Kiara says as Pope agrees with her.

After we helped Heyward you all decided to go to JB's. As you all walked on his porch you saw JJ and he saw you. He looked angry. 

"Oh shit." John B says. 

"Why the oh shit, and why does JJ look like he's about to kill me?" You asked confused.

"Heard you walked with Rafe today." JJ says crossing his arms.

"Yeah. He helped me carry some stuff over to the other side of the island? So?"

"Do you not understand what he has done to us?"

"JJ calm down. He was helping her?" Kiara says standing between you both.

"He was actually being nice JJ. So chill out." Pope tags along.

You really didn't understand what the fuss was all about. JJ looked like he was drunk and high on whatever shit he was. 

"You've been smoking and drinking huh?" You asked him and he shakes his head. "Don't lie to me JJ. I'm sick of this shit. You lying to me hurts. I have never once lied to you. I always tell you the truth and you don't."

"Because I'm scared."

"Scared of what exactly JJ?"

"Losing you." 

"Then quit it with all this shit, and tell me the truth."

"But it's hard."

"Yeah it's going to be hard. But tell the god damn truth JJ. Please or you will lose me." You say now crossing your arms. 

"Being an addict is hard. I know because my mom was one JJ. You wanna end up like her? Dead?" You ask and he shakes his head no. 

"Then work on quitting JJ, please."

"Okay Y/n. I'm sorry." He says and you hug him.

"Just tell the truth for now on and we won't have a problem okay?" You ask.

"Yes, I promise to tell the truth."

aha i updated once again. i'm starting to get ideas now. i was gonna stop doing imagines until season two was released but i changed my mind. hope you guys are doing well. please sent requests i'd love them for helping me out with stuff. thank you all for the 355k reads! that's amazing!

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