• Bloodshot eyes

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I'm Y/n the sister of the one and only Topper. But i'm nothing like him. I hate living in this big house with all this unnecessary stuff. I felt bad for the Pogue's that live in the cut. They don't have houses like this and it's upsetting. We have all this money and we can't help them? I know I would if I could.

My parents were out of town for the week so of course Topper is going to throw one of his stupid parties that I most of the time hate. I honestly hate being a Kook because the Pogue's and others think all of us are rich snobby kids which i'm not at all. I just wanna stay neutral.

There's these group of Pogue's I always see out on their boat or at The Wreck. They seem like a nice group of friends. I don't really have a lot of friends I guess. I never get along with people like me.

"Hey sis party starts at 8 so go get ready." Topper says and it makes me roll my eyes. I go upstairs and change into ripped jeans and a stripped shirt. What makes me upset is that Topper won't let me drink at all but he can. I'm only a year younger then him. It's not fair to me.

Sometimes I wish the Pogue's were invited they deserve a better party then their keg parties. The party was now starting and a lot of people were arriving. You know what? Fuck it. I'm drinking I don't care anymore at this point. Topper is probably screwing some girl right now.

I go and grab a solo cup and fill it the whole way with beer. I chug it down and get another one. "Hey hey hey! What would your brother think about you down here drinking?" I hear and turn around to see Rafe. "Rafe just let me be. I never get to have fun please don't tell him." I beg. "Whatever just don't get hammered and just be careful please." He says and I just nod. He leaves and I chug two more beers. I haven't seen Topper yet but I can feel the alcohol kicking in.

I see a few people smoking weed and I go over. "Hey there Y/n wanna hit?" One of the boys asks. "Sure why not." I say grabbing the joint from his hand and smoking it. "Damn girl that was a lot and your not even coughing." Another boy says causing me to laugh. I sat with them for awhile and smoked. I drank again too.

I go upstairs into my bathroom all wobbly and I look into the mirror to see my eyes bloodshot. They were super red. I'm in big trouble now. But I don't care I was high and drunk and feeling good. But I am starting to get hungry. So I sneak out and go to The Wreck but I grab my money first and just walk.

Oh I also forgot to mention Kiara which is a Pogue used to be really good friends with me. We are still okay till this day. She hangs with the group that I was talking about. She also works and her dad owns the wreck.

I walk in and see Kiara and she looks at me concerned and runs over. "Y/n are you okay?!" She asks and I nod. "What happened?" She asks. "One of uh Topper's parties. I decided to drink and smoke for the first time and it's feeling really good right now but Topper is going to kill me." I say. "Oh shit Y/n! I haven't seen you for a good bit and I miss you let me go get you some food." She says hugging me as I sit down.

Kiara soon comes out with food and I eat up. "Hey i'm off my shift now. I'm going over to a friends house which there is a few people there if you wanna come so you don't get caught by Topper." She says. "But i'm a Kook." I pout. "So what! Come on." She says dragging me which I get in her car with her and she drives. We were in the cut. I didn't mind at all. We talked to each other the whole way even though I didn't even understand what's going on. I look in Kiara's mirror to see my eyes even more bloodshot and Kiara looks in my eyes.

"Jesus Y/n you must've drank and smoked a lot and I mean A LOT." She says as we both chuckle. We arrive at this really pretty log cabin looking place. "Hey guys I brought someone with me." Kiara says helping me out of the car. "Someone that's hammered?" I hear a boy and he laughs. "And that someone is Topper's sister? A Kook?" I see and hear a blonde boy say. "Hey now don't be judging her." Kiara says sticking up for me.

"This is JJ, John B and Pope." Kiara introduces them to me. The blonde boy, JJ was really cute. "Damn your eyes are fucked." JJ says and the other two boys looked. "Is that from alcohol or weed?" The dark skinned boy named Pope asks. "Both." I say and they were kinda shocked. "A Kook? Stoned and drunk?" John B says and I just chuckle and nod. "Topper doesn't let me do fun stuff so I took matters into my own hands and did whatever I wanted and I really don't care at this point." I say. "Damn Y/n your a rebel." JJ says and I just nod.

"Do you just wanna stay over at my place or something so Topper doesn't see you shit faced and you can tell him you spent the night at one of your friends houses?" Kiara asks. "Yeah, sure." I say texting Topper and shutting my phone off.

Everyone sat around a bonfire and they all got to know me. They didn't think I was quite like them and not a Kook princess that gets everything I want. I hate that. "Your gonna have a wicked ass hangover." JJ says and we all laugh. "Well shit." I say. Then John B goes in the house to grab water and tylenol for me so it will help for tomorrow.

"Thank you kind sir." I say. "Of course." He says. The blonde hair boy JJ stared at me and was kinda flirting with me which I didn't mind. He really is cute though.

"Hey is it okay if we just stay here it's pretty late?" Kiara asks John B and he says yes. Pope went home and the rest of us went inside. John B was nice enough to let me wear one of his shirts. JJ apparently stays here with him. I go in the bathroom and take my jeans and shirt off and put on John N's shirt which was huge on me.

I went back into the living room and there were two couches. One small one and one big one. Kiara was already passed out on the small one that was far away and JJ was on the big one that could fit two people. "Come on I won't bite." JJ says looking at me. I just laugh. "I'm serious i'm not gonna let you sleep on the floor or whatever. I'll keep my hands to myself." He says laughing and I was still a little buzzed and high so I just crawl under the covers with him.

"Damn your eyes are still bloodshot. My eyes don't stay like that. Maybe only for an hour." He says causing me to laugh. "You know I always see you and your friends out on the boat and I just find it nice that a group of friends are like family as I can tell. Must be nice." I say and he looks at me. "Yeah. I mean if you wanna join the Pogue team by all means go ahead we need a hot Kook anyway." He says making me laugh again and also blush.

"Aw I made the Kook blush." He says to me making me smile. "Okay i'm done picking on you now." He adds. "It's fine I never get compliments and stuff." I say. He then looks at me shocked. "Wait.. for real your like the hottest Kook i've ever seen and you seem nice and not snobby." He asks and I nod. "Wow. Does that mean your a v-" He was about to ask and I just nod again. And he covers his mouth making me laugh again. "Now now don't be judging me." I say. "I'm not i'm just surprised. You deserve more compliments and nice friends." He says making you smile and blush once more.

"Thank you." I say to him. "Your welcome Y/n" He says using my name instead of Kook. Man this boy was hotter up close it's like I could just kiss him. "Whatcha staring at?" He asks and I just shrug. I get nervous. He then nods and lays his head down. I really did wanna kiss him. You only live once right? "If you don't do it i'm going to do it. I know what your thinking." JJ says making he burst out laughing.

He was serious. He leaned up cupped my cheek and kisses me passionately. I never even kissed a boy before. I didn't imagine it being with a hot ass Pogue. We sat there and practically made out for a whole 2 minutes which felt like it was for hours. I think he wanted to do more then just kiss me. I wouldn't mind doing it with a Pogue. But... "JJ just letting you know Kiara is literally right there and John B is over in his room." I laugh. He just shrugs and goes back to kissing me.

I'd never expect to be making out with a Pogue. A really attractive one. Even though we didn't know each other I knew we were going too. Also i'm still high as shit and drunk but I know i'll remember this night.

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