• Abused

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(trigger warning)

"Hey John B!" I say walking over to him at his house. "Hey Y/n how are you doing on this lovely day?" He asks. "Just wonderful! How about you?" I ask. "Same as you." He says. "So where's everyone else at?" I ask. "They'll be coming soon. Kie can't come over because she's working." He says causing me to make a sad face.

About 2 hours later Pope and JJ finally showed up. "Took you guys long enough." I yell hugging them both. "Sorry I was picking up Pope and his dad wanted him to do some stuff." JJ says. "Ohhhh!" I say and John B says hi to them also.

John B made a little fire and we all sat around it. I then get a call from my dad. "Uh... hey dad.." I answer nervously walking away. "Where the hell are you! Get your ass home now!" He yells through the phone. "Okay i'm sorry!" I say hanging up. "Hey guys I got to go my dad wants me home." I say hugging them all. "Well damn it!" JJ says pouting. "I'll be back sooner or later don't worry." I smile and wave to them.

That smile disappeared as I got into my car. My dad yelling like that isn't good.. it means he's drunk again. I finally get home and walk through the door to see beer bottles. Exactly what I thought. "There you are! What were you doing?! Fucking those Pogue's you hang out with?" My dad says getting in my face. "Dad i'm sorry." I say almost tearing up.

"Sorry? Your never sorry you unwanted piece of shit!" He yells making me jump. I try to walk away and he grabs my wrist making me whimper and then slapping me in the face. "Dad please stop i'm sorry! I mean it.." I cry in pain. "You know you were just a mistake! It's your fault your mother died!" He says punching me in the face knocking me down.

I'm now spitting out blood and I could feel a cut on my lip. "Daddy please stop it." I whimper. He doesn't stop there. As I was down he grabbed me by my hair and threw me against the wall making me fall again as I cry. He kicks me in the stomach 3 times making me choke and not able to breath. "Next time don't be running off being the whore that you are." He yells spitting on me. He then walks right out the door.

I then scream and sob in pain. When I finally catch my breath I grab my phone and I call the first number that popped up. It was Pope's. "Hello?" He answers. "P-pope.." I say whimpering. "Oh my god Y/n are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" He says concerned and I could here JJ and John B concerned also in the background. "Just please c-come get m-me" I cry. "Can you tell me what's going on?!" Pope yells. "J-just get h-here." I say hanging up and pulling myself up.

As i'm almost to the bathroom I fall and sob. I pull myself up again and look in the mirror to see a huge bruise and cut on my cheek and eye. And a huge cut on my lip. I then lift up my shirt to see bruises and blood. I then cry again and again. I sit on the ground putting my head between my legs and cry even more.

I then here are door bust open and I hear 3 voices calling my name. JJ, John B, and Pope then rushed into the bathroom and covered their mouth. JJ runs right to my side and I look away. "Look at me." He says and I shake my head. "Y/n your okay now. What happened.." John B asks. "Was this your dad?" Pope asks and I start sobbing again. "That son of a fucking bitch if I see him i'm gonna kill him!" JJ yells i'm anger.

They didn't know my dad would hit me and call me names I never told them. This was the worst my dads ever done to me. "Please Y/n just look at me I wanna see how bad that cut is." JJ asks again. I put my head up and look at him. His eyes went wide and I see a tear slip from his eye. He then just hugs me and kisses my head. "I'm so sorry this happened to you... how long has this been going on Y/n?" JJ asks. "2 years.." I mumble. I hear gasps come from Pope and John B. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped or something I know how it feels to be beat up by my own dad. You don't deserve this!" JJ says. "You don't either.." I say.

"Come on let's get you to John B's house to get you fixed up okay?" He asks me and I nod and John B and JJ help me up it caused me to whimper because my dad kicking me in the stomach and the side. "Wait.." JJ says lifting up my shirt seeing the bruises. "Fuck Y/n" Pope says and John B says it as well. I see everyone start to tear up which I didn't like. I didn't want them seeing me like this.

"Can we just go please." I ask and they nod still helping me to John B's van.

We get to John B's place and JJ takes me inside and lays me on the couch. "I'm sorry." He says making me cry in pain. "It's okay JJ your just trying to help." I say smiling at him. He looks at me and puts my hair behind my ear and lightly strokes my cheek. It didn't hurt but it made me tear up because of what he was doing. "Don't cry." He says wiping the tear. I slowly get up and hug him.

When I pull away I kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you." I say. "Of course. No need to be thanking me." He says.

Then JJ went to go get some medicine and a medicine cream. I take the medicine and JJ dabs some of the cream on my lip making me flinch a little bit. He apologizes which it was okay.

"I love you JJ." I say looking up into his eyes. "W-what?" He asks confused. "I said I love you. I do. The way you treat me the way you act around me it gives me butterflies in my stomach." I say to him. He looked surprised. "Y/n I love you too.. you make me feel the same way." He says.

He then leans in and so do I. I kiss him as he kisses me softly so he didn't hurt me.

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