continuing, updates and requests.

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Hi, so I've been getting lots of messages of you guys wanting me to come back and write again! Good news, I'm back! I hope all of you are doing well, I miss the fandom so much. Looking to see that I have over a million of you seeing these imagines is crazy. Thank you all for this amazing journey, I couldn't of done it without you guys!

Also I know you guys mostly skip the update chapters but like what if you miss something important, it feels like that what I say isn't as important lol! I just want to keep you guys in the loop that's all. I wouldn't be making imagines if it weren't for you guys.

Also, I'm seeing that I have inspired some of you to write your own things.. this makes me so happy and so very proud of you. Please tell me if your making something and I will cheer you on like you guys have with me. You are truly amazing people. I also will be editing some of the chapters incase you get notifications about it.

I will be updating you guys on message board. You can also start messaging me for requests now! I know I said about not doing this anymore but I can't do that to you guys! You can also place requests on my message boards as well.

For the current imagines I have up, I may be changing the names of them and when I edit them they won't be as cringy. I made this book three years ago which is insane to think about so they for sure need updated lol! I decided to get more education on writing so hopefully my writing will be a lot more mature and better!

Thank you guys for everything, maybe I'll put some fun questions or something at the end of every chapter. I want to know my fans! I care about each and every one of you. So, if you are going through something or just need some help you can message me at any time. I swear I'm always up. I love hearing from you!

Also, you know I absolutely love your requests but if your planning on taking my work please write your own, I always encourage it and if you ever need help or a supporter I will be it! I love reading all of your imagines and stories they are amazing. I just hate when things are stolen when I've worked really hard on each and every one. That's why I took a break for so long!

Feel free to request here as well!

Love you guys endlessly!

Here's one little question... how are you? What's new with you guys?

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