• Drugs

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It's been a week and a half since I talked to JJ. We were dating for at least 3 months. He decided to take a break. Which hurt me because we were fine.. I didn't do anything wrong. It hurt, I love him and he just left me... I've stayed in the house ever since the break up. I cried all night, I drank 2 bottles of vodka to take the pain away.

Every once in a while John B, Pope and Kie would check on me by calling me which I said I was fine but I lied. I miss him. But he doesn't miss me...

My parents were on a business trip for 2 weeks so I had this place all to myself. I drank whatever was in the fridge, getting drunk and losing control of myself. The next thing I decided to do was go see Barry. The drug dealer of the cut. I grab my money and drive over. Barry was usually mean to everyone but he was nice to me if he seen me around. This was my first time buying drugs.

I knock on his door and he opens it looking surprised. "Hey Y/n nice to see you! Is there something wrong?" He asks me. "Nah not really. Am I able to get some weed and a few packets of whatever you have. I have the money." I say. "Woah wait a minute... why are you even thinking about doing this stuff? Something must have fucked you up?!" He says concerned. "Just please Barry. I have $150." I say handing it to him and he goes and grabs the stuff and I shove it in my bra.

After I was done talking with Barry I sat on this little bench with a table. I was now in the Figure 8. Kook territory. I take out the little bag of drugs and crush it up. I use one of my dollar bills to snort it. I did at least 3 lines which had me pretty fucked up. Then you grab another bag and pull out two pills and take them. This made me even more fucked up. I wasn't even stable enough.

"Y/n!" I hear someone yell and I see Rafe running to me. "H-i buddy how do you be?" I say fucking up my words. "Y/n what have you done to yourself! You'd never do something like this." He says really concerned. "Fuck. I don't know stupid shit yeah." I say. "What happened Y/n?! Let me at least take you home." He asks. "I'm okay i'll just go do these later." I say fixing up the bags of drugs and weed. "No Y/n you don't need that shit!" He says grabbing it. "What the fuck!" I yell. "I'm taking you home now." He said making me pout. He then picks me up and puts me in the car.

We finally get back to my place and when Rafe gets out of the car I hurry and snatch the drugs and shove them in my bra. He helps me get inside and tries to help me with whatever he could. He soon went home and I laid on the couch. I put the bags of drugs on the table.

I see my phone was blown up with missed calls and messages from Kie, John B and Pope. I lay the drugs up on the table and do them again. I couldn't feel anything. I just laid there on the couch not moving. It was like I was numb. I was still missing JJ.. the pain didn't go away this time. I then see a call from Topper and try to answer it. "What." I say. "Y/n where are you?! Are you okay!!" He asks concerned. "I'm fine dude i'm just chillin at home bro." I say. "Dude? And bro? That's new. What is going on Y/n" He asks. "JJ pretty much kinda broke up with me I guess." I say. "I'm sorry! You don't sound right? Do you need me to come over or something?" He asks. "I'm good." I say sniffling the the rest of the drugs I had. "What was that?" He asks. "Uh I be kinda sick man." I say.

I then hear Rafe in the background telling Topper what he seen me do and he was worried and before Topper could say a word I hung up. I still couldn't get up. So again I just laid there.

jj's pov:

I was laying in my bed and the. I get a call from an unknown number which I answer it. "Hello?" I say. "Jj it's Topper! I know you hate me for the shit I did but you need to get to Y/n's now! I'm too far away to get to her!" He yells in concern. I then start to freak out. "What happened what did she do?!" I ask. "She's fucked up. I can't explain it but she's fucked and I am worried." Topper says and I hang up.

God what did she do?! I still loved her and I broke up with her. I wanted a break. The reason? It's because things with my dad with him abusing me got worse and I didn't want her seeing the mark on me. Cut or busted lips, black eyes, bruises.. I was too scared.

Y/n only lived a few houses down so I ran as fast as I could and pounded on the door. I kept yelling her name and I didn't get an answer so I busted open the door and looked to see Y/n on the couch with 2 bottles of vodka empty and a few tiny back with just a little bit of drugs in it. I also seen weed.

Her eyes were closed I ran by her side and shook her. "Y/n wake up. Y/n it's me JJ!" I yell. She wasn't waking up. I patted her face "Y/n please wake up!" I say starting to cry. "This is all my fault! Y/n please!" I scream. But you heard nothing. I could feel her pulse but I couldn't see her breathing. "Y/n please you can't leave me! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. I love you more then the world." I say staring to sob.

I then see Topper burst through the door and behind him were Kiara and John B. "Oh my god..." John B and Kiara say. "Topper she's not breathing!" I yell and still cry. Topper then runs over and pats her face like I did. I see Kiara sobbing and she dropped to her knees as John B cried with her. This was me! This was my fault. And now she's gone?! She can't be.

"JJ tilt her head up now." Topper says and I do so. I then see Topper put his fingers in her mouth and then I see Y/n choke up stuff and then throw it up. "Y/n?!" I say holding her face as everyone sighs in relief. "JJ?" She whispers with he eyes half way open. "Yeah it's me baby. I'm right here and i'm so sorry. I am so so sorry!" I say crying to her. "JJ what happened to your face..." She says rubbing my cheek. "It was my dad? The reason I took a break with you was because I didn't want you seeing me in pain or hurt." I say and she tears up. "It is okay if I seen you like that because i'd be right by your side helping you and loving you... i'm sorry." She says.

"No don't you be sorry. This is my fault. Please don't ever do this again. Please! I love you and I can not live without you Y/n. I will never leave you again. I promise you that!" I say kissing her. "I won't I promise and I love you too JJ." She says kissing me again.

hey guys i hope you liked this i'm sorry it was kinda sad but give me some ideas soon! thanks for the 26k much love to you all! ❤️

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