• Siblings

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(requested by: nataliahaslostit )

You were sitting at home with your 2 younger siblings, Addison and Luke. Addison is only 5 and Luke is 3. Your mom was out of town for the week so you had to watch them the WHOLE time. You really didn't mind though because they didn't give you a lot of problems.

One thing you really couldn't do was go see your boyfriend, JJ. He really wanted to meet your brother and sister but you were just to nervous about it for some reason.

It's now the morning and you make eggs and bacon for your sibling and wake them up to come eat which they do. You then get a call from JJ. "Yeah J?" You answer. "Hey are you gonna be busy today? Maybe come surfing with me?" He asks. "I can't today babe I have to watch my siblings for the week." You say to him.

"Can I come over then? I really wanna meet them? I won't be bad." He says laughing. Maybe the kids should meet him. "Okay yes but watch the language." You say laughing and you hear him get excited over the phone which makes you smile. "See you soon love you." He says. "Love you too." You say.

"Come on go get ready! My mans is coming over." You say to your brother and sister. "Jeez okay." Your sister says causing you to laugh. You end up going upstairs to help them get dressed which they looked super cute.

About an hour later there is a knock on the door and Addison runs and opens it. "ADDISON!" You yell. "It's fine!" JJ says coming in with a big smile. He comes over and gives me a hug and a kiss.'"Ewww cootiesssss!" Your little brother says. Both of you just laugh. "Addison and Luke this is JJ. My mans I was talking about." You say laughing and they hug him. Aww.

"See they love me already!" JJ says. "Mhm." You mumble and laugh. "Can we go to the beach?" Addison asks. "Ask the big man not me." You say and she looks at him all innocent. "Pleaseeeee!" She wines. "Sure why not." He says making her get all excited and we both laugh. "Hey JJ could you help me get Luke and get his bathing suit from the top drawer over there?" You ask as you point into Luke's room. "Yeah of course" He smiles and does what you said.

You help Addison get her little swimsuit on. Then you see JJ come out with Luke in his arms and you just fell in love. "Wow he doesn't even let me pick him up." You say and JJ laughs. "I'm lucky then." He says and you smile.

You pick some drinks and little snacks and head to the car. JJ made your heart melt by putting Luke in his little car seat. "Thank you babe." You say as he gets in the car. "Your welcome." He says kissing you.

All of you get to the beach and set stuff off and Addison shoots straight to the water and your about to yell but JJ says "I'll get her." Then he runs for her and picks her up making her giggle. This was too cute for you. You'd never expect JJ to be like this with kids.

Luke decides to play with the sand in front of you and JJ was being all cute making sandcastles with Addison. Then you see him pick her up and dip her little toes in the water which was even more cute. Then Luke goes and runs towards JJ. "JJ!" You yell and he catches Luke as he is about to go in the water. Thank god.

JJ then comes over with Addison and Luke in his hands. "Gosh they are so full of energy but they are super cute i'm glad I got to meet them." He says to you. "Me too. They love you." You laugh. "You know you'd be a great mom. Maybe someday we can have kids of our own?" He asks making you have butterflies. You just give him a kiss.

"And you would be a great dad JJ." You say as he smiles at you.

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