•In Trouble

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It's the morning and you decided to spend the night at your best friend John B's house along with your other friends Kiara, Pope, and JJ. You've have a crush on JJ since first grade. He found out about 2 years ago. Yeah a long time right?

He didn't seem to take it seriously but you most definitely did. It was a hot summer day and you and the pogue's decided to go surfing. You loved surfing it was a hobby for you. JJ always admired the way you surfed. You would always show off just to make him jealous of your skills.

You mostly hung out with Kiara while you surfed. JJ and John B plus Pope would just go with each other and talk about random stuff. Kiara has had a crush on John B for awhile but at least he likes her back.

"Hey I gotta run home i'll catch you guys later." JJ says. We all hug him goodbye but he hugged me a little longer and tighter. His expression on his face looked scared in a way but you thought it was nothing. Usually JJ didn't just run off home. He hated being there with his abusive ass dad oh how you hated him.

After you all surfed you stopped at Kie's restaurant to grab a snack. Her dad didn't really like the pogue's accept for you. You stayed out of trouble but the boys didn't. Plus your dad used to be best friends with Kiara's dad.

It's been a while since JJ has been back you seemed to get worried. You try to tell everyone else but they just shrugged. What if something happened to him? That's all you could think about for the past hour.

You tried to call and text JJ but there was no answer at all. Then you told the others and they finally started to get worried too. They also tried to call and text him but again no answer. You were the only one that wanted to go to his house no one else wanted to because they all hated Luke which was JJs dad.

You then decided to work your way over to his house because you couldn't take it anymore. There was no one in the yard but then you heard someone smashing glass. You ran to the door and banged on it. No one answered so you opened the door which was unlocked. Then what you see next makes you fill with anger. JJ was laying there with his father beating the shit out of him.

"GET OFF HIM!" You scream jumping on Luke. "Y/n please don't." JJ whimpers. "You little b-" Before Luke could finish you started punching him the face. You wouldn't stop. You hated seeing JJ get beat like that. Then all of a sudden you blacked out still punching his dad. All of the anger was let out finally.

You snapped out of it as soon as you felt a slap go across your face. It was Luke who hit you but then JJ pounced on him and beat him again. "Okay JJ stop that's enough! Your gonna kill him!" You yell but he doesn't stop. "JJ YOUR GONNA KILL HIM!" You yell pulling him off. You then grabbed him and hugged him. You stroked his hair. "It's okay." You say as he starts to cry.

You finally get JJ out of the house and JJ hugged you again. You comforted him as much as you could. "I love you Y/n." He blurts out. "What?" You say in shock. "I love you." He repeats and looks at you with his swollen red eyes. "JJ I love you too." You smile kissing his head...

Omg thank you guys for the 100k reads that's crazy! I love you all so very much and i'll always be here for anyone that needs me. I hope you all are doing fantastic! It's been awhile. Ignore the last chapter it's finished. But i'll be updating more on here. Just remember you are loved you are important and you are cared for don't forget that okay? This whole pandemic is horrible but we'll get through it I promise! 😘❤️

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