• Depressed

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(trigger warning: self harm)

There was only three more days of school left. You've been getting bullied half the year. It's been supper tough for you because your a pogue. Your friends Kie, JJ, John B and Pope didn't go to school which made you sad.

You've never told them how bad you'd get bullied. You were too nervous to speak up or say anything. You just kept it all to yourself.

It's the last period of the day and you couldn't wait to get out of this shitty school for the day. You didn't want to go the last two days but your parents made you go. You could hear the girls in the back of the class making fun of you and your life style. The school was mostly kooks. You finished your work and just got on your phone.

You feel someone tap your back and you turn around to see a note in someone's hand and they give it to you. You open it to read 'do you see how y/n is dressed she's a poor slut that will fuck everything that breaths' you start to tear up and you hear giggling from the back of the classroom.

The bell rang so everyone could leave and you were ready to go out the door and you get tripped and get kicked in the stomach by one of the popular girls. "See you tomorrow you whore." She said spitting on you while everyone laughed as you cried and rushed home.

As you were running you seen Topper. He stopped you. "Hey Y/n what's wrong?!" He asks concerned. "Nothing I just I can't focus right now I don't wanna be here anymore!" You yell and he looked at you even more concerned. "What do you mean by that?!" He asks. "I'm sick of being bullied and kicked around and being hurt. I'm depressed enough and I don't wanna be here anymore!" You yell running off again with him chasing after you.

Finally you lose sight of him and run into your house. Your parents weren't home because they were on a trip somewhere you didn't know about. You ran up to your room crying and smashing stuff and punching the wall.

Soon after that you ran into the bathroom opening one of the drawers to see a razor. You thought for a second then grabbed it looking into the mirror. You start to cut your wrists and cry. You looked in the mirror saying how you weren't pretty or good enough for your own friends.

You keep cutting until there was a pile of blood on the floor. "OH MY GOD Y/N STOP THAT!" You look up to see JJ running to your side with the rest of your friends including Topper behind him almost in tears. He try's to take the razor from you. "NO!" You yell ripping it away from him. "IM DONE BEING TREATED LIKE SHIT. BEING SPIT ON BEING KICKED AND TRIPPED AND CALLED NAMES!" You scream and start sobbing. Everyone had hurt in there eyes and tears coming from there face including Topper.

Kiara runs to you and hugs you. You then just drop the razor as JJ kicks it away. Pope and John B joined in on the hug and so did Topper. He was the one who told her friends what she was saying earlier because he was concerned for her. The most person concerned and broken right now was JJ. He thought that she doesn't deserve any of this.

JJ hasn't hugged you yet. John B bandaged your wrist up while Topper and Kiara cleaned the blood up.

Finally JJ hugs you. "Don't ever do that again. I don't know what i'd do if I would lose you Y/n." He says crying as you rub his back. "I won't do it again. I promise." You say as he kisses your head. You pulls his head you your face and kiss him as he kisses back.

"I love you JJ." You say to him. "I love you too Y/n" He says.

sorry for this being so sad! still need some ideas over here and thank you so much for the 12k reads i love you guys lots! ❤️❤️

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