• Fighting

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It was a nice hot day outside out on the beach. But for you it wasn't so much of a nice day. You and your boyfriend JJ have been fighting on and off and for what reason? Because you were jealous. Jealous of him at parties talking with other girls or him just being so perfect and you just thought you weren't so that why you were so jealous.

"JJ? I'm sorry for fighting with you all the time.." You pull him to the side. "Okay? But I don't understand why you get so jealous? There's no need to be! I love you and no one else. I'm not perfect Y/n and you... you are perfect. Even though you don't think you are I do." He says raising his voice.

"Please don't raise your voice at me. I was saying I was sorry." You try to say to him and he doesn't even look at you. "Whatever Y/n i'm done with this discussion." He says and you nod.

You grab your surfboard and go over to Kie. "Hey Kie?" You say. "Yes bebe." She says grabbing her surfboard now. You then start to tell her about how you and JJ have been fighting a lot and she tries to comfort you which she always did. She was your best friend you told everything to.

She decided to surf with you to take things off your mind. Pope and John B were over talking with JJ. You started getting worried things might not work with you two. You then started to get worked up.

Soon enough this huge wave comes in and when you were about to get it you thought about JJ again and your board went from under your feet and you fell into the wave and you feel something crack your head. You open your eyes under water to see blood.

You tried to get out but you kept going deeper and deeper into the water. You started to get weaker and your eyes got heavy until someone pulled you from the water.

"Baby open your eyes! Y/n!" You hear yelling but now you were not able to open your eyes or breath. You feel someone press on your chest and putting their lips on your mouth and blowing into your mouth.

Then you finally throw up water and start coughing repeatedly. "Y/n are you okay?!" You hear and see JJ and then rest of the Pogue's. "What happened." You ask confused. You then feel your head and look to see blood again. You start to freak out. You forgot what mostly even happened. "You crashed and hit your head?! Do you remember who I am?! Do you know your name?!" Pope asks and you nod. "Baby are you okay!!" You hear JJ worries and you just nod again. "Y/n look at me straight and tell me who I am." Kiara says. You look at her "Kiara." You say. She then smiles and sighs in relief.

"Who am I then." John B says. "B John?" You say chuckling. And everyone laughs except JJ. You try to get up but you felt so weak and fall and JJ catches you and picks you up and carries you over to John B's house which was close to the beach and lays you on the couch. "I'm sorry Y/n. I'm sorry for being such a dick and I won't talk to girls at all when there are parties only you." He says kissing you. You just give a little smile. "It's okay J I just need to stop being jealous." You say. "It's okay your my girlfriend and you should be just a little. I'm done fighting with you I promise. I love you." He says.

"JJ I love you too." You smile and kiss him.

hey guys hope you liked this! also i hope everyone is doing okay and i'm always here. requests are still open!!! this idea was from SofiaMariaFifia

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