• Traumatized

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trigger warning: involves rape

As I woke up I look to see my brother Topper. "Good morning sis. Are you okay?" He asks me. Yeah why?" I ask. "You were screaming in your sleep." He says. "Oh damn. I wasn't having a nightmare or anything?" I tell him. He shrugs. "Alright just wanted to check on you." He says and me and I thank him as he leaves my room.

I were proud of Topper these last few months he's been changing into a good person. JJ my boyfriend even agrees and so do the pogue's. We've been trying to help him the best we could. Topper later on tells me that John B was throwing a kegger which I then got dressed. "Wanna go out to eat at the wreck?" Top asks. "Sure." I say. We get in his car and he drives there.

"Kie!" I yell and see she is working. Her face lights up with a smile and she comes hugging me. Her dad also waves and I wave in return. "How are you doing today did you hear about the kegger?" She asks. "I'm doing good and yeah I did! Can Topper and I come eat for a bit?" I ask. "Of course. Top! Come here." Kie yells as he does. "I just wanna say your doing a good job with changing! I love it." She says hugging him and making him smile.

After we ate Kiaras shift was done and we all were on our way to the party. "Top?" I say. "Yeah?" He looks at me. "Can I drink just a little tonight?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. "Fine just not a lot." He says as I nod.

Soon we arrive and I work my way over to see JJ. "Hi babe." He says kissing me. "Hi J missed you." I say smiling. "Missed ya more." He says making me smile again. John B then says hi to me too along with Pope. I grab a beer and I down it. "Easy there." Kie says and I laugh.

JJ then goes over and talks with Pope and I decide to have a few more beers. Then I feel all weird knowing i'm drunk. I decide to go use the bathroom and get stopped by the one and only Rafe. "Y/n!" He says. "What Rafe?" I say annoyed. "How's my favorite Kook?" He asks as I roll my eyes. "I would be okay if you weren't here." I say. "Oh come on Y/n i'm sorry for everything i've done!" He says complains as I roll my eyes again. "I'm serious!" He says grabbing my arm. "Let me go Rafe." I say. "I'll show you that i'm sorry." He smirks and then grabs me and put a hand in my mouth dragging me somewhere I didn't wanna be.

I try getting out of his grip and yelling but I couldn't. I was weak from being too drunk. We then stop and I feel my back hit a tree. "Rafe please stop!" I cry. "Aw don't cry." He says wiping my tears and holding my arms as I try to get out. He then tries to takes my pants off and I scream and cry and he shuts my mouth. "RAFE STOP IT!!" I sob.

JJ's pov:

I look around and notice Y/n wasn't in my sight so I ask her brother where she went and he had no clue. So we both decided to go and try to find her. Both of us then here screaming and Topper automatically starts running. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY SISTER!" I hear Topper yell and then I see Rafe over Y/n's body as she had no pants on and tears running down her face. I then run up to Rafe and start punching him in the face repeatedly.

Y/n's pov:

As JJ was beating the shit out of Rafe all I could do was cry and my brother runs over to me and gives me my pants and I put them on. I just cry in his shoulders as he hugs me. "Are you okay." He asks with his voice cracking and I shake my head. I was now traumatized. I was now another girl that was raped. It was scary and it hurt me. I then see Kiara run over to me. "Oh fuck what happened?!" She yells. As Kie tries talking with me Topper goes and rips JJ off Rafe.

After explaining to Kiara what happened she started crying and comforting me. Then I see JJ run over. "Baby are you okay?! I should've stayed with you i'm so sorry are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" He asks with tears and anger in his eyes. "I'll be okay JJ." I say rubbing his bruised cheek. "No it won't because that fucking asshole d-" I then shush him. "I wanna go home." I say and everyone nods. Topper picks me up and I lay in his arms.

JJ was deciding to spend the night with me tonight also. My parents weren't home. I then decide to get a shower but JJ comes in with me and helps because I was so shaken up. All I could do was cry. "I'm so sorry baby." He says helping you from the shower. I just shake my head and hug him.

We both then get dressed and we lay in my bed but Topper comes in. "You doing okay." He asks and I nod. He kisses my head and says goodnight and I say it back. He then leaves and JJ cuddles me until I fall asleep.

Later that night I have the images of what happened to me. Replaying nonstop in my head and I start to scream and cry but then I get woken up by JJ. I see him and hug him. "Shh baby it's okay i'm here." He says rubbing my back. "JJ i'm scared." I cry. "Don't be scared because i'm going to be with you always." He says kissing my head.

Topper also runs in to check on me which I said it was a nightmare and stuff and he gets me some water. I then lay back with JJ and cuddle into him. "Get some rest. I'll be here the whole time. Don't worry okay! I love you." JJ says to me. "I love you too." I say kissing him.

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