Daddy's Little Girl

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*don't worry it's not like a daddy kink or anything lol*

JJ and I have been together for 4 years. We might be a little young but we had a little girl 3 years ago to this day, meaning it's our baby's  3rd birthday. JJ actually named he Ellie. I thought it was the cutest name ever.

Swear he loves her more than me but he loves us equally and I just adore JJ as a dad. I knew he was going to be a great dad. 

"Mommy!" I hear our little one yell from down the hall. JJ and I were just laying in bed taking a nap until she comes in and crawls on the bed. "Daddy!" She yells going and jumping on J.

"Hi princess!" JJ says holding her. "Guess what today is?" JJ asks her.


"It's your birthday! And guess who's having a birthday party that mommy and I set up?" He asks.

"Me me me!" She yells. 

"Yep! Happy birthday angel!" I say to her and we both kiss her cheek. She cheers and we can't help but laugh. 

The two of us eventually got up to get ready. JJ decided to get Ellie a pink little dress for her birthday party which I thought was the cutest thing ever with a pair of white flats. I decide to curl her hair while JJ sets up her birthday party.

It was going to be us, Kiara, Pope, and John B. Just a small party. But she absolutely loved her aunt and uncle's. When I finished getting her ready JJ was finished setting things up and it was time to call the pogue's. Which they already knew about the party. 


"We are here!" I hear John B yell and go to give him a hug. Then I give Kie and Pope a hug as well saying hello.

"Dad! Look!" I turn around to see Ellie's eyes light up when she see's them and she runs over and hugs them. 

"Hi sweetheart!" Kiara smiles hugging her.

"If it isn't my favorite little pogue." John B says picking her up. 

"You've gotten so big!" Pope says. "What have you been feeding her! She's got some muscles!" He jokes.

"Just the usual baby food and mac n cheese." JJ laughs. 

As they all talked I went over and started getting the food ready until I seen JJ come wrap his arms around me. "Do you need any help?" He asks me. 

"Nope! I'm just about done. Wait.. can you carry some of this over?" I ask pointing to some of the food. 

"No! I wanna help!" Ellie comes bolting over.

"Baby, we've got it. Go over with them for a little!" JJ says and she hugs us before she runs back over. 

"Daddy's little girl huh?" I ask smiling at him.

"For sure. She's a miniature you." He smiles back pecking me on the lips. 

"Eww!" I hear Ellie yell. "Cooties!" She says causing us to laugh. 

We put the food down and we all make our plates and have a seat until Ellie comes and plops on JJ's lap. "Hi bday girl! Having fun?" He asks.

"Mhm! Look what Uncle JB got me!" She says showing him a small shark tooth necklace that looked like his.

"Now you two can twin." John B says making him laugh. 

"That's so cute. Did you thank him?"

"Yes dad." She smiles. "Will you put on?" She asks and he nods.

While I watched him put the necklace on my heart just melted. It was the cutest thing ever. 

Kiara ended up getting her a little matching headband with her. Pope got her some bracelets and a cute little pogue outfit. She was so happy that it just spread around to us. It was now time for the birthday cake. We sung happy birthday and at the end JJ got icing and wiped it on her face causing her to giggle like crazy.

"Daddy why would you do that!" She says now getting icing and putting it on JJ making everyone laugh. 

"Oh you little..." He says tickling her and there comes her giggling again and all we did was smile at the two.

Two people I love more than anything in this world. I could never ask for anyone else..

This was another request from @idk_123445 I hope you enjoyed this! I'll update again soon and take some other requests! Love you all!

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