• I hate you

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(before i start this idea was from xXKylieMorganXx !
thank you so much for the idea love!)

It was a beautiful night and just in a few hours there was going to be a keg party. The people you went with were John B, Kiara, Pope, and JJ which he didn't really like you. For what reason? You didn't know.

You were getting dressed into you ripped jeans and baby blue crop top. After you put on your white slip on vans you braided your hair and left your house saying goodbye to your parents. They were always concerned that you were going to get hurt but you reassured them that you'd be fine. You grabbed your skateboard and skated to where the party was going to be.

As you got there you see Kiara and she runs up to you and hugs you. "Hey girly how you been!" She asks. "Good! How have you been?" You ask her. "I've been alright wanna get a drink with me?" Kie asks and you nod walking with her. At the keg where you were going to get your beer you see JJ. You didn't want to see him. "Can we have drinks JJ?" Kiara asks him as he gives you a look. He poors one drink and hands it to Kie. "Really JJ?" John B says poring me one. "Thank you John B" You say and he nods. He just rolls his eyes and you see Pope.

"Hi Y/n!" He says to you and hugs you. "Hey Pope hows it going?" You ask him. "I've been good and you?" He asks. "I've been alright I guess. How's your dad?" You ask and he said he's been doing good. His dad was my favorite adult. He always had stuff for people on the cut.

You were sitting on a stump half drunk. Then you see Rafe sit next to you. "Hey Y/n" He says. "Hi Rafe why you here?" You asked confused because he was talking to a Pogue. "You seemed really upset wanted to see if your alright." He says. "Oh thank you. Just the normal drunk Y/n" You say chuckling. "I think you've had a little too much do you want me to take you home or something?" He asks. "How about in 20 minutes I wanna go see Kie real quick and John B?" You ask him. "Yeah sure just come up when you need me." He says and you nod.

You go to John B and of course JJ was with him and he turned away. "What the fuck is your problem with me. I'm always nice to you and do nice things for you! I've done nothing wrong. I'm sorry if I did. Your treating me like shit and it actually is hurting my feelings JJ." You yell as John B covers his mouth. "Because I fucking hate you." He yells walking away making you tear up. That really broke your heart because you did a lot for him and he hated you. John B just hugged you.

When you were finished crying you went over to Rafe. "I'm ready to go." You say. "What's wrong?!" He asks. "Just done being treated like shit can we please go I think i'm gonna be sick." You say holding your stomach. Then you run to a bush and threw up and Rafe held your hair. "Your okay." He says rubbing your back.

As you both were about to leave you see JJ pull away Rafe from you. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" JJ asks you. "Rafe is taking me home why the fuck do care get your hands off him." You yell at him. "It's okay Y/n." Rafe tells you. "No it's not fine your really going to trust a kook?" JJ asks. "Actually yeah because at least he isn't treating me like a piece of shit and he doesn't hate me unlike you!" You yell back at him.

You grab Rafe and start to walk off but JJ stands it front if you and you try to push him away but you fail. "Go away. Just let me go home. Please." You say and he looked sad. He let you go and Rafe and you got in the car.

As you both get in the car you give him directions to your house and he followed them and he was finally at the house. "Thank you Rafe sorry about JJ!" You say hugging him. "It's okay your welcome let me know if you ever need a ride." He says and you nod going back to your house and going inside.

"Hi honey how was your night? Who was that young man?" Your mother asks you. "Oh his names Rafe he's actually a Kook and he gave me a ride home because I drank a little too much." You say honestly. "Oh honey. Well at least he was a gentleman! Kooks usually don't like Pogue's but your a lucky girl." Your mom says and you smile nodding.

You get your shower and dress into your pjs. "Y/n someone is at the door for you!" My father yells and I go down the steps to see JJ with a red face, puffy eyes and tears running down his face. You cross your arms. "What." You say. "I don't hate you Y/n. I know I'm a dick and treat you bad but it's because I hide the feelings I have for you." He says. You were in complete shock not saying anything. "Please say something... I love you Y/n" He says making your heart drop.

For a year you liked JJ and now he explains this? "Y/n I love you!" He says crying again. He looks down but you run up to him grab his face and kiss him. He was quite shocked himself you pulled away and then you kissed again.

"I love you too JJ." You say kissing him one last time.

thank you guys for the 8k reads! please give me some ideas love you guys!

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