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Request by Marisol6278Floresta 

***Peter isn't Spiderman in this AU***

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Welcome to Stark Industries, and congrats on getting the job. The boss will love you as his new intern." Peter was handed a pass, and escorted into the elevator. It was the teenager's first day on the job as Tony Stark's personal intern. The young genius could barely contain his excitement as the elevator brought him closer and closer to his idol. The doors parted, letting Peter step into the biggest room he's ever seen.

"Ah, you must be the new intern," A red-haired woman acknowledged. The teen recognized her as Pepper Potts, CEO of Stark Industries. "Tony's in his lab, just down the hall. If you get lost, just ask FRIDAY."

"FRIDAY?" Peter questioned. Suddenly, a big booming voice spoke out.

"Hello, Mister Parker." The brunette jumped, clearly not expecting the walls to talk. Pepper nodded, stifling a laugh.

"Good luck." And with that, she was gone, leaving Peter to search for the lab on his own. He went in the direction she had pointed in, eventually coming across a large door with desks and gadgets everywhere. He took a deep breath, and walked in.

He wasn't noticed right away, Tony was distracted by whatever he was working on. Peter awkwardly cleared his throat, startling the genius.

"Oh, uh, are you the new intern?" He questioned. The teen swallowed, nodding. "Peter, right? Welcome to my lab." Peter smiled shyly, still unable to form words. He was talking to Tony freaking Stark, after all. "Oh! And this is my... friend, Harley."

Peter froze. From behind one of the desks emerged the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Harley had short, fluffy blond hair, and striking blue eyes. He was tall, a lot taller than Peter was. Harley raised an eyebrow at the brunette's reaction, a tiny smirk pulling at his lips.

"Why hello there, darlin'," he greeted, offering up a smooth smile at the smaller boy. Peter gaped, eyes fixated on Harley. The blond chuckled, moving closer to Peter. Tony watched the whole exchange from a distance, confusion written all over his face.

"H-hi," the brunette sputtered out. He felt so overwhelmed, meeting his idol and his newest crush on the same day. Harley stood about an arm's distance away, giving him a strange look. Tony cleared his throat loudly, catching both boys' attention.

"I don't even want to know what that was," he sighed. "Peter, will you go get me a coffee? I like it black, extra caffeinated." The intern nodded, turning to fetch the coffee.

"Ah, wait, I have an order too," Harley stated, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. Peter's face went bright red. "I'll have..." The blond whispered his order into the smaller boy's ear. Peter nodded quickly, making a run for the door. Once he had escaped the lab (and the sexual tension that was rising steadily in there), the teen made his way to the kitchen, with assistance from FRIDAY of course.

He made a black coffee for Tony, and for Harley... Peter couldn't hold back his blush. The taller boy had asked him for a movie night, just the two of them. And the brunette couldn't refuse that offer.


"I'm going to tell him." Tony's head turned so fast it might as well have given him whiplash.

"What!? You've known the kid for what, 3 minutes, and you already want to tell him? He's just an intern, let the poor kid do his job," he remarked.

"Hey Old Man, it's my secret, I can tell him if I want to!" Harley exclaimed playfully. His voice dropped to a murmur. "And holy shit, do I want to. Did you see him? He's so adorable, and I think we can trust him." Tony snorted, shaking his head.

"You think we can trust him because he's adorable? Get your head out of the gutter, Keener," he laughed.

"Admit it, you like him too," Harley teased. "Why else would you hire a high schooler to be your personal intern? You know there's something special about him."

"There is something about him that I just can't put my finger on," Tony mused. "You think he's gay? Is that it?" The teenager couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Were you even paying attention?" Harley wheezed, laughing hysterically. "There is literally no way in hell that kid is straight, trust me." The billionaire shook his head, exasperated.

"Fine, Keener, but you better not ruin the sheets." Tony threw his hands up, leaving the lab. He passed Peter in the hallway, taking the coffee from the young intern.

"O-oh, Mister Stark!" He squeaked nervously.

"He's in the lab, now go." Peter nodded, running off to find Harley. He entered the lab, immediately being dragged into the corner by the taller boy.


"Shush, now you still want to go to that movie night, don't you darlin'?" Peter nodded, cocking his head in confusion. "Good, then I want to tell you something. I... am Iron Lad!" Harley revealed dramatically. The brunette had a mischievous grin on his face, a light blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah... I kinda figured that out..."

"What!?" Peter chuckled awkwardly.

"You were working on the suit, I saw it on the desk. I figured you were him..."

"You're observant," Harley stated bluntly. Peter paled, a worried frown on his face.

"Are you mad? I didn't mean to figure out your secret, I just-" Harley cut off Peter's rambling by pressing their lips together. The smaller boy let out a surprised squeak, before melting into the kiss. When they pulled away, Peter's eyes were wide, and the blush on his cheeks had darkened considerably.

"So, about that movie..."


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