I'm Not Ok

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Request by dumbqueerkid 

Random fact: before I cut and dyed my hair it was brown and really long, I sat on it a few times actually, then my friends cut it shoulder length in my backyard, now it's short and faded purple

TW: suicide?!?!? this one was dark I believe

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter wasn't exactly sure of the sequence of events that had brought him to this point.

Not like it mattered. He could barely even form a coherent thought, the pain he felt bursting through his head and destroying whatever will to live he had left.

The air was nice tonight. There was a slight breeze, and the stars were out. Well, at least Peter assumed they were. There was too much light pollution to see them.

He looked down. A fall from this height would equal certain death. And hey, if the 30 story drop didn't kill him, the cars below would, right?

So there he was. The short, genius, brown-eyed boy that had stolen the hearts of every Avenger, standing on a ledge. Not just any ledge, no, it was the Stark Industries rooftop, notoriously high up. And all those stolen hearts? Well, he was about to shatter them.

Because why shouldn't he? There was just too much pain, irreversible damage that would never go away, no matter how hard he tried. And he just didn't feel like trying anymore.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. The air smelled faintly of french fries, probably from the McDonald's sitting 30 stories down. He sighed, shaking his head. Slowly, he picked up his foot, ready to step off the le-

"Peter? What are you- oh, oh my god!" The brunette groaned. Harley. He couldn't let anything get in his way, he had to focus-

"Peter? Will you please step off the ledge?" He asked, sounding barely held together. Peter didn't budge. "Ok, ok, that's fine... but listen to me, ok? Listen to my voice." Peter was listening, all right, each quiver in the southern boy's voice sending another arrow through his heart.

"Please, Peter, don't do this. What about all the things you'll miss out on? Graduating, falling in love, college, marriage..." Peter stayed emotionless, balanced with one leg over the street. "Will you at least stand on two feet? You don't have to come down from the ledge, just... I don't want you to fall." The brunette frowned, eyebrows furrowed. "Please. I care about you, so, so much, all of us do. You've done so much good." Harley's voice wavered, letting out a relieved sigh when Peter's foot made contact with the ledge, now standing on two feet.

"You know what I think?" The blond questioned. "I don't think you really want to die. I think you just want the hurt to end." The smaller boy turned around slowly, frowning. Harley was standing a lot closer to him than he thought. "I know it seems like the pain will never go away. But I promise you, if you step down and come inside with me, I'll do everything I can to help you." Peter glanced back down at the street. He felt dizzy, the streets suddenly looking a lot further down than before. It was sickening, and he closed his eyes.

"Please, Peter," Harley whispered, voice breaking. "Darlin'. I can't lose you. I-" he sniffed, taking a second to breath. "I love you, Peter. I have for a while now, and I just- I don't ever want to lose you. Please, if you won't step down for yourself... do it for me. Do it for everyone else who loves you. Tony, Steve, even Nat... they all love you Peter. And I love you. It's... different, but-" he took a deep breath, wiping a year from his eye. "You're loved, Peter. By so many people. And all of them want you to be happy." He paused. "Or at least not so miserable that you'd want to... to end your life."

Peter furrowed his eyebrows, eyes still closed. He didn't know what to think... he couldn't chicken out now... but Harley... but...

He let out a frustrated cry, Harley immediately jumping out and grabbing his waist, dragging Peter to safety. They fell to the ground, Peter in Harley's lap. His eyes were wide, mouth open slightly in shock. The southern boy had his arms wrapped around Peter tightly, refusing to let go.

"I-" he started choking up, the floodgates breaking down. Peter completely lost it, hanging onto Harley like his life depended on it (and it just might've).

"Shhh, no, it'll be ok," the blond comforted, taking deep breaths and holding Peter, never wanting to let go. "It's ok. It's over. You're alive, you're ok." He shushed the crying boy, rubbing circles into his back. Harley felt somewhat detached himself, still in a state of shock from what he had just witnessed. He hugged Peter tighter, whispering quietly about how he'll never let go.

They sat on that rooftop, limbs tangled and cheeks wet. Neither of them really knew how long they had been up there, and neither of them particularly cared. It wasn't really a main concern at the moment. Peter sighed, wiping at his eyes.

"Thank you," he whispered, voice barely audible.

"Anytime. But uh, let's try not to end up in this situation again, ok? I promise I'll do everything I can to help," Harley murmured softly, putting a gentle hand in Peter's hair and running his fingers through the messy curls. "Do you want to go inside? We can go cuddle in bed, if that would help." The tiniest of smiles flashed across Peter's face.

"Yeah..." Harley nodded, slowly standing up, the smaller boy in his arms, legs wrapped around Harley's waist. He carried him to bed, climbing in next to the brunette. Harley curled around Peter protectively, providing lots of contact and body heat for the smaller boy.

Peter wasn't ok. He wouldn't be, at least for awhile, but he definitely felt loved in this moment. Harley's soft breath in his hair, arm draped over him, legs tangled between his- he couldn't deny the love he felt. And for a moment, everything felt ok.

yeah that wasn't that great but I wrote it


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