Eating Disorder pt 2

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Part 2 requested by lokisonfam, anastasiaisawsome, I_Swear_Im_Ok, and JEbackman 

Yeah, so y'all already know the warnings if you read the first part... if not, go read it first. Trust me.

Random fact: um actually I'd rather not on this one

TW: eating disorder, needles and hospital shit

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter woke up in Harley's arms, yawning tiredly. He must've slept at least 9 hours, but he didn't feel rested. He laid still until the blond started to stir, kissing Peter's ear. Harley's lips lingered for a moment, before he moved away to stretch and sit up.

"Peter, darlin', you awake?"


"Alright, how about we go get breakfast then, hmm?" Harley suggested, getting out of bed. Peter groaned, turning to push his face into the pillow. Food was the last thing he wanted right now. "Hey." Harley set a gentle hand on the brunette's back, rubbing slow circles. "Why don't you want to eat?" He asked, trying to be cautious.

" 'M feelin' sick," Peter mumbled, letting out a short whine when Harley's hand left his back.

"Look at me." Peter turned to peek at the southern boy, a hand quickly pressing against his forehead. Harley frowned, shaking his head. "You feel normal, c'mon. Let's go."

"No. I'll have lunch." Harley was hesitant, but eventually nodded.

"Fine... but you better not lie to me, Peter." He sighed, shaking his head and walking out. The smaller boy let out a relieved sigh. Sure, he felt bad, but his weight loss was the most important thing. He wanted to make Harley happy... but the blond would appreciate Peter's new skinny body, surely?

He got out of bed slowly, feeling a wave of dizziness and nausea hit him, hard. It was almost funny, really, the way his stomach wanted him to throw up its non-existent contents. Sighing, Peter went to the bathroom, closing and locking the door before taking off his hoodie and stepping on the scale.

101.9 lbs.

A twisted smile crossed his lips. He felt awful physically, but those low numbers gave him a bit of pep. He was getting there, he just had to keep going. He would stop before it got too dangerous, he knew his limits.

... Right?


When lunchtime came around, Harley was back to pester him about eating. Peter gave up easily, his energy from earlier having fizzled out rather quickly.

"Thank you, darlin'. How about I make you a grilled cheese, hmm? I know you love them," Harley offered. Peter grimaced. The thought of one of his favorite foods made him feel sick to his stomach.

"No... I can get myself something. But, um, thanks." Harley's grin faltered, and he followed Peter into the kitchen. The brunette felt very on edge as he grabbed a few raw carrots, biting into one while giving his boyfriend a pointed look. But Harley still wasn't convinced, taking a seat at the counter while watching Peter munch on the carrots for an awfully long time.

"How about we eat a little more than that, hmm?" Harley raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes, watching the smaller boy closely.

"Harls..." Harley sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry, darlin', I'm not trying to force you into anything. But if you're not going to eat on your own, then I'll do what I have to for your safety. If you can prove to me that you can take care of yourself, then I won't have to watch you get food." Peter looked uncomfortable, teetering from his heels to his toes awkwardly. "Please, darlin', I love you. Just... please eat." Harley sniffled quietly, making Peter freeze. Harley barely ever cried...

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