Spiderman and Iron Lad

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request by thatweirdgirl172 

Random fact: I used to be hella smart. Like, I'm the one who helped grade math tests in elementary school. Now I can barley do basic math lmao


Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter walked through the halls of Stark Tower, holding a hot cup of coffee for Tony. Peter was the billionaire's intern, assisting him by completing mundane tasks and occasionally getting to help out in the lab. Harley, Tony Stark's son, couldn't stand the brunette boy. They mostly avoided each other in the tower, and at school Harley bullied him alongside Flash.

"I don't understand why you need Parker to be your intern when you could hire literally anyone else," Harley huffed.

"Because I don't need anyone else. He's a good kid, and a fantastic helper. Maybe if you set aside your pride you two could be good friends," Tony answered, eyes never leaving his project. Harley sighed, finishing up some repairs to his Iron Lad suit. Peter walked in, happily handing the cup of coffee to Tony. "Thanks, kid."

"Of course Mister Stark!" The intern responded with a grin. The billionaire chuckled, waving toward the door.

"Why don't you go home early? I'm sure your aunt would love to spend some time with you." Peter nodded, waving giddily as he left the lab. Tony looked up at Harley, who had a scowl on his face. "What's wrong with you?" He sighed.

"He just gets on my nerves. It's like he can't not be annoying," the blond snarled. Tony rolled his eyes.

"He's a good kid, Harley. Maybe you're the reason you two don't get along, because he doesn't seem to hate you," he pointed out.

"I can't believe you're taking some random kid's side over your own son." Harley threw his screwdriver down, storming out of the lab with his repaired suit. He suited up, leaving to go sit on top of the Empire State building. He landed safely, grinning at the sight of his superhero friend and secret crush, Spiderman.

"Hey there, Spidey," Harley greeted, walking up behind the red and blue clad hero. He was sitting on the edge of the building, his feet dangling off the side.

"Hey," Spiderman responded dismissively. Harley frowned. This wasn't the Spidey he knew.

"What's up with you?" The spider powered hero sighed, turning to look at Harley in the Iron Lad suit.

"It's just... there's this guy, and he just hates me. I don't know what I did wrong. When I try to make it better, he just gets annoyed at me." Spiderman looked down sadly. Harley frowned, sitting next to the superhero and wrapping his arms around the spider's waist.

"Aw, darlin', he doesn't deserve to be friends with you," Harley insisted, hugging the smaller boy tight. He murmured quietly: "I can't wait until we reveal our identities, sweetheart, and I can finally kiss you and give you all the love you deserve."

"I still don't know... what if you don't like who I am behind the mask?" Spiderman pondered. Harley laughed, shaking his head.

"Darlin', I will always love you, no matter who you are." The shorter boy was quiet for a moment, before turning to face Harley's Iron Lad mask.

"I trust you." He took a deep breath, pulling off his mask to reveal his secret identity. Harley was completely stunned, frozen in place. Peter's shy smile turned to a nervous frown when he didn't get a response back. "Iron Lad? Are you... are you disappointed?" Peter looked away self-consciously. Harley snapped out of it, shaking his head.

"I... it's just that..." Harley collapsed his mask, showing his face to Peter. His hands flew to his mouth in shock.

"Oh my god," the brunette mumbled under his breath. Harley nodded, awkwardly averting his gaze.

"Yeahhh... wait." Harley frowned, staring Peter in the eyes. "Am I... am I the guy you were talking about?" Peter nodded silently, eyes watery.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sure you probably don't want me... I'll just go, I'm sorry." Peter stood up, stepping away. Harley grabbed the brunette by the arm, stopping him from leaving. Peter's eyes were teary, his brown orbs holding fear in them.

"Wait." The southern boy sighed, looking up at a scared-looking Peter. "I'm not gonna hurt you, just- argh," he groaned, averting his gaze. "Look, Peter, maybe I didn't give you much of a chance. I really do love you... Spidey... and..." Harley looked straight into Peter's eyes. "Maybe I was wrong about you. Maybe you're not as bad as I thought," he admitted. The grin on Peter's face grew until he was practically glowing with happiness. The brunette hugged the taller boy tightly, mumbling loud enough for him to hear.

"Thank you, Harley. You won't regret this." Quickly, the blond realized Peter was right, smiling a little as he hugged back.

"Ok darlin', now how about we go fight some crime?"

I love them so much aww

part 2 next!!


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