Secret Santa

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request by JEbackman

requester asked for something cute... it wasn't specific so I hope this is good enough! :)

happy holidays everyone! I meant to have this ready for Christmas but I was super busy (plus I got a lil carried away and made it like 3x length)

3rd Person P.O.V.

"C'mon kid, just pick one already!" Tony grumbled, shaking his head. Harley was up in the front of the room, blindly rustling around slips of paper in a hat.

Christmas was being spent at Avengers Tower this year, and they had decided that, instead of gifts, everyone would participate in a Secret Santa exchange. Everyone's name was written on a slip of paper and put in a hat, and now they were choosing who would be who's Secret Santa.

"Gimme a second!" Harley huffed, finally picking up a slip of paper.

"Sure that's the one you want?" Loki questioned, smirking slyly. Tony's head turned so fast, you would've thought he had whiplash.

"Don't encourage him!" The billionaire hissed, nose wrinkling in frustration. Harley chuckled, closing his fist around the slip of paper and heading back to his seat.

"Okay, my turn!" Peter exclaimed cheerily, hopping off of the couch to pick his Secret Santa. Unlike Harley, Peter didn't waste time. He grabbed a slip off the top and waved it above his head triumphantly.

"Darlin', you are too precious!" Harley cooed, making grabby hands to encourage his boyfriend to sit with him. Peter grinned, holding his slip of paper closed as he sat on Harley's legs, humming contently as he cuddled closer.

"Hi," the brunette murmured, letting his head fall into the crook of Harley's neck.

"Hi. Who's your Secret Santa?" Peter immediately sat up, abandoning his comfy cuddle position to give his boyfriend a disapproving look.

"Harls!" He gasped, shaking his head. "You can't ask me that! It's supposed to be a secret! It's not called 'Tell-Everyone Santa'!"

"Well, you don't have to tell everyone. But you could tell me," Harley insisted. Peter snorted softly, rolling his eyes.

"Fine." Peter crossed his arms, smirking. "But you need to tell me your Secret Santa first."

"Mmm... no," Harley refused. Peter's eyebrows furrowed.

"Whaddya mean, 'no'?" He frowned.

"I mean, I'm not telling you my Secret Santa." The blond shrugged.

"Wha- then why should I tell you mine?!"

"...Because I'm your boyfriend and you love me?" Harley tried, smiling innocently. Peter groaned, shaking his head.

"You're an idiot," he mumbled. "I'm not telling you mine."

"You're no fun!" Harley whined, pouting. "But fine. I guess I'll just do my Secret Santa shopping... by myself!" He exclaimed dramatically. Peter chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to Harley's cheek. The blond retaliated quickly, kissing the tip of Peter's nose.

"Are you two done yet? Because I need to go over the Secret Santa rules and I really don't want to be here all day," Tony grumbled.

"Tones. Relax." Rhodey gave him a look, causing the philanthropist to sigh.

"I'm tired." Tony pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "Alright. First of all, does anyone have themselves as a Secret Santa?" Everybody shook their heads. Tony clapped his hands together, sighing. "Great. Okay, the price limit is $100, but you can spend less as long as the gift is thoughtful. Everyone buys a gift for their Secret Santa, and you don't tell them until the Christmas party. Any questions?"

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