Reunited at Last

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Request by spidey-543

Mmm I'm so busy but I'm trying to write as often as I can

Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel, panby_ (it's a Minecraft channel) and please subscribe! Ily <3

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"I miss you..."

"Yeah, I know. I miss you too," Harley sighed. "Alright, I really should be getting to bed... call tomorrow?"

"Ok, goodnight. I love you," Peter murmured, frowning.

"I love you too. Goodnight, darlin'." Harley ended the call, dropping his phone on his bed and groaning. His bed felt cold without Peter beside him... even after ten months of lockdown, he still wasn't used to it.

They had been separated, Harley in Tennessee and Peter in NYC. It was too risky for them to visit each other, at first because of New York being a hotspot, and then because of travel restrictions and safety. But Harley didn't know how much more of this he could take.

"I swear, as soon as this whole thing is over, I'm coming for you," he whispered to the ceiling, sighing and turning over to fall asleep. Hopefully it would all be over soon...


Quarantine had been in effect for over a year now, it was nearly May. As soon as Harley got the second dose of the vaccine, he took the first flight to New York City. Now, nothing would stop him from seeing his boyfriend.

The plane ride itself was uneventful, since Harley was pretty much alone. The plane was crowded, sure- since the majority of people had now gotten the vaccine, everyone was traveling at once. Harley sighed. He supposed it didn't really matter. As long as he got to see his boyfriend again, it would be fine.

At the airport, the southern boy hailed a taxi (after much struggle). He was driven to Stark tower, tipping the driver before taking a deep breath and stepping inside.

This was it.

After nearly 14 months without Peter, Harley was finally going to be able to hold the smaller boy in his arms again. A light smile graced his lips at the thought, and he sat in the lobby, calling Peter.

He picked up after two rings.


"I've got a surprise for you waiting in the lobby, go check it out." He hung up without another word, hoping Peter would be down quickly. As expected, the brunette showed up not a minute later, glancing around the large room confusedly before his gaze settled on Harley.

"Harls...?" The blond stood up, grinning and holding his arms out.

"Yeah, darlin', it's me." Peter lit up, running and jumping into Harley's arms. He let out a loud giggle of delight, holding onto the blond tightly.

"I missed you," he murmured, taking a deep breath and sighing. Harley smelled like pine trees and a faint touch of motor oil. He smelled like home.

"I missed you too."

"Wait, why are you here? I don't want you getting sick-"

"It's ok, darlin'," Harley cut off the smaller boy's rambling. "I'm vaccinated. Plus, I was extra careful while traveling just because I knew you haven't gotten the vaccine yet, and I didn't want to accidentally expose you to it..." he trailed off, smiling. "Sorry to just stop by unannounced, but I really wanted to surprise you, and I figured it wouldn't be a problem."

"Oh, yeah, no, that's fine. This is so exciting- want to go upstairs? Your room isn't set up, but..." Peter glanced up innocently. "Maybe you could stay in my room...?" Harley grinned, chuckling and raising an eyebrow suggestively. Peter's eyes widened. "I didn't mean it like that-!"

"Sure you didn't. But I'm down for just some cuddles, if that's what you prefer. Honestly, I'm just glad to finally see you again," the southern boy replied truthfully. Peter nodded, grabbing Harley's hand and dragging him to the elevator.

"Let's go upstairs! Oh, Mr Stark is gonna be so happy to see you again..." Peter went on, rambling about how everyone had been doing. When they arrived on the floor Peter's room was on, they raced to the door, Harley dropping his bags on the floor.

"I missed it here..." he sighed, gaze drifting over to Peter. "But I missed you the most." The brunette grinned, falling into Harley's arms happily. They finally shared a kiss, long and soft. It was such a small thing, and yet it was the best feeling in the world.


"I love you. So, so much," Harley murmured, eyes darting across Peter's face, inches away from his own.

"I love you too, Harls."

C L I C H E  E N D I N G  A L E R T

Hey if you ship dreamnotfound why are you not reading my oneshots? (Unless you are-)


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