Pride! 🏳️‍🌈

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request by Froggielad (

happy pride everyone!

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"How do I look?" Peter asked, walking out of the bathroom. He twirled around slowly, showing off his outfit. He was wearing a form-fitting white tank top with a poofy rainbow skirt and white thigh-high socks with a rainbow toward the top. He had done his makeup as well– red, orange, and yellow eyeshadow on one eye and green, blue, and purple on the other. Peter also sported small hearts drawn across his right cheekbone, alternating between blue, purple, and pink. He looked stunning, to say the least.

"Beautiful. Oh, but you're missing something..." Harley turned around, grabbing one of the pride flags that were laying out on the bed. "Here, stay still." Harley carefully clipped the flag around Peter's shoulders, creating a bisexual cape. "Perfect. You look amazing, darlin'." Peter giggled, blushing as he got on his tiptoes to kiss Harley.

"I love you," he whispered, grinning madly.

"I love you too, darlin'," Harley replied, smiling as he brushed his thumb over Peter's cheek fondly. "Now, my turn?"

"Yes!" Peter laughed, dragging Harley into the closet to pick out something for him to wear. They settled on a white t-shirt with rainbow stripes across the chest and dark blue jeans. Harley got changed quickly, sitting down in a chair so Peter could do his makeup.

"Nothing too crazy, okay?" He requested, chuckling nervously. Peter nodded, staring at his eyeshadow palette for a moment before rubbing his fingers into a few different colors and dragging them across Harley's cheeks. He pulled away, studying his work for a moment before nodding.

"How about this?" Peter let Harley see what he had done, smiling lightly. Harley glanced at his reflection, nodding. He had streaks of rainbow down each cheek, from the top of his cheekbone down to where his nose ended. It looked really cool, because the color started vibrant and faded into a smudged rainbow at the bottom.

"It looks good!" Harley exclaimed, standing up to kiss his boyfriend on the nose. "Let me just grab my pride flag and we can get going." Harley clipped the rainbow flag around his shoulders, same as Peter. They both looked great, putting on white Converse high tops before leaving for the pride parade. They felt lucky to live in the city, where a pride parade was held every year. They took the subway together, messaging Tony to let him know they had gone out (they didn't say where they were going, though).

Peter and Harley arrived at the parade, running hand-in-hand toward the vibrant displays of color. Everywhere they looked, people were laughing and smiling, dressed in rainbow or specific pride colors. Peter's eyes were filled with wonder, gasping as he took it all in. It was quite possibly the most incredible thing he had ever seen.

"Oh my god," he murmured, shaking his head in wonder. "This is incredible!"

"Right?" Harley agreed. "Everyone here is just so... happy."

"And it's amazing!" Peter exclaimed, grinning as he grabbed Harley's other hand. "I'm happy too. I really like it here." He got on his tippy toes, connecting their lips. Around them, people cheered, whooping and laughing happily. When they pulled away, both boys were looking around at the crowd, blushing madly.

"That was weird," Harley chuckled, smiling.

"Yeah." Peter shrugged. "I didn't mind it, though."

"Oh, me neither." Harley swept Peter into his arms, kissing him again. More whoops and cheers exploded from the crowd around them, whistling at the couple.

"Yes, mate!" One guy shouted.

"Get itttt!" A person whooped loudly. Peter and Harley didn't know these people, but it didn't matter. They were all supportive, pride flags everywhere around them as they kissed. It felt like something out of a movie.

"God, I just love you so much," Harley murmured after they parted for breath.

"I love you too!" Peter exclaimed, resting his head against Harley's shoulder. "C'mon, we should go try some things! Have some fun!" The pair ran off into the crowd, walking along the parade, talking to people, buying pride-related items. It was a lot of fun, and certainly not a day they would forget anytime soon. However, all days have to end eventually... and it began to get dark out.

"We should head back," Harley mused, looking up at the darkening sky.

"Aww..." Peter sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right... let's go." They went home, taking the subway back and walking the rest of the way to Stark Tower. They were giggling and talking excitedly, still buzzed off the excitement of the pride event. Neither boy even thought about what would be waiting for them when they got home.

The elevator opened, Peter and Harley walking out hand-in-hand. They passed by the living room, where Avengers movie night was going on. When they passed by, everyone's jaw dropped at the appearance of the two.

"Woah, uh... boys, come in here for a moment," Tony called. Peter and Harley dropped their hands, peeking into the living room. "Where have you two been?"

"Um..." Peter and Harley looked at each other, shrugging. "We were at a pride parade...?"

"Oh!" Tony exclaimed, hesitating. "Um, congratulations! Uh..."

"Did you two have fun?" Bruce asked kindly, smiling at the pair.

"Yeah! It was really cool, actually," Peter answered.

"Were you safe?"

"Yes!" Peter exclaimed quickly, slightly embarrassed. "Of course..."

"Mm..." Tony narrowed his eyes, squinting at the pair. "Are you sure?"

"Are we-" Peter repeated, shaking his head in confusion. "Yes? We were safe?"

"So then... who's the lucky... uh... person? Both of you?"


"Oh please, I'm not stupid. So? Who is it?"

"Oh..." Peter and Harley looked at each other, both nodding. "Actually, we're dating."

"YOU'RE DATING?!" Tony exclaimed, jaw dropping. Peter giggled nervously, and Harley smiled.

"Yeah. We are." He leaned in to peck Peter on the lips, leaving them both grinning madly.

"Oh. Wow..." Tony nodded. "I'm happy for you both. Door stays open from now on, though."

"Mr Stark!" Peter yelped in protest, blushing madly. Harley just laughed, shaking his head. "Oh my god, I'm literally leaving..."

"Be safe!" Peter grabbed Harley's hand, pulling him away from the living room. "I mean it! Door stays open!" Tony called after them.

I've never been to pride but it seems like so much fun

also! if you do go to pride events, stay safe! watch your drinks, be careful, go with a friend or partner if you can! pride should be a fun experience :)

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