TikTok AU

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Request by P0tterhead-x 

Random fact: I was on tiktok making videos for about 3 months, I gained 5k followers then suddenly dipped. Haven't been on since lmao

AN: they're both in their 20s so don't make any weird comments on that ight

TW: implied ~šéggş~

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Peter!" Harley called, pointing his phone camera at Peter. The brunette looked up with wide eyes.

"What?" The southern boy didn't answer, just grinning madly. "What!? Harls!"

"I love youuuuuu," Harley finished, seeing Peter visibly relax.

"Jesus, Harls, don't scare me like that," he muttered, shaking his head with a smile. Harley stopped the recording, going to quickly edit and post the video. "Wait, was that for a TikTok? Seriously?"

"Yeah babe, just a TikTok." He uploaded the video, seeing Peter roll his eyes with a grin.

"I really should be used to it at this point," the smaller boy mused. "How many followers now?"


"Oh, wow, really?" Peter marvelled.

"Yeah, darlin', you're adorable, who wouldn't want to follow?" The brunette scoffed, shaking his head.

"It's not my account, Harls. They're following because of you!" Harley grinned, getting up to kiss Peter's forehead.

"They're following because of us. Because our love is absolutely perfect." Peter nodded in agreement.

"We are cute together..." He nodded. "Well, I still think it's because of you and your... everything." He gestured up and down Harley's body.

"Shut up, your 'everything' is way cuter than my 'everything!'" Harley exclaimed.

"Is not!"

"Is so!" The blond jumped onto the couch where Peter was sitting, attacking the smaller boy with tickles.

"Harley!" Peter laughed, using his strength to grab his boyfriend's hands, laughing hysterically. Harley grinned, flipping his hands out of the brunette's grip (Peter never used his full strength with Harley) and quickly pinning him to the couch. Peter let out a shaky breath, staring up at Harley with wide eyes. The southern boy smirked, knowing he had won.

"You're cuter." Peter sighed, smiling.

"Shut up," he murmured. Harley let Peter's arms go, getting up off the smaller boy. He sat next to Peter, reading some of the comments on the video.

they're so cute!!!

omg i would die for themmmmm

peter + harley = parley

i ship ittt

"Darlin', look! They gave us a ship name." Harley showed the comments to Peter, who grinned and wrapped his arms around the taller boy.

"Parley?" He paused, thinking about it. "I like it."

"It suits us." Harley turned his head to kiss Peter's jaw.

"C'mere, stupid." Peter giggled, falling into the blond's lap.

~The Next Day~

Harley and Peter were back on the couch, both on their phones. The southern boy quickly set up his camera, pointing it at Peter.

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