Heart of Gold

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Request by Drarry4ever1o1 

I was going to say high school au but they're literally already in high school

I'm so tired

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Harley! I'm going to your game tonight... maybe I'll see you after~" Harley turned, smiling brightly.

"See you at the game, Tammy," he nodded, as friendly as always. She smiled back at him, waving as she walked past him to get to class.


"Big H!"

"Ayy, Harley!"

It was constant, the short interactions in the hallway with random students. It was practically Harley's life, being, well, himself. Harley Stark, son of Tony Stark. Football quarterback. Southern gentleman. Handsome, with a heart of pure gold. It was hard not to like him.

And yet, there was one person who could always resist Harley's charm.

Peter Parker, decathalon nerd with a spotty attendance record and a sassy attitude that only seemed to pop up around Harley. The brunette was never satisfied, no matter what Harley did. He was always just... unimpressed.

Now this was an odd occurrence for the southern boy. He had never met someone like Peter before, someone who was able to ignore him with calibrated ease. And Harley? He was enamored by this seemingly unknown student, completely infatuated with the very idea of him.

Peter, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with him. And that was the end of it.

Except... it never really ends, does it?

And that's how Harley and Peter found themselves face to face, outside the locker room, both blushing awkwardly.

Peter had been dragged to a football game by a couple of his friends, a football game that- no surprise- Harley was at. He was the team quarterback, after all.

They had won the game, and Harley was on his way to the locker room to shower and get changed when he bumped into someone, knocking them over.

"Woah!" He quickly grabbed the person's arm, pulling them back to their feet. "You alright? That was totally my bad, sorry I didn't see you ther-" He froze, upon seeing who he had knocked over. Before him stood none other than Peter Parker.

Peter was dangerous for Harley. The things the brunette could do to him...

If Harley had a heart of gold, Peter was his cyanide. Simple as that. (a/n: cyanide can dissolve gold)

"It's fine," Peter insisted, frowning. He brushed off imaginary dust, avoiding eye contact with the taller man.

"Look, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," Peter repeated, looking rather annoyed. Harley decided to take a chance, it's not like this could get worse, right? Hesitantly, he reached out, cradling the side of Peter's face and brushing his thumb over the brunette's cheek gently. Peter just watched with wide, untrusting eyes, completely frozen to the spot.

"You had something on your face," Harley murmured, stepping closer. He didn't let go of Peter's face, and Peter didn't pull away. They were only a few inches apart at this point, sporting matching blushes. Peter glanced to the side, biting his lip and backing away.

"Um... you should really go... shower..." He suggested nervously, avoiding eye contact. Harley nodded, disappointed but agreeing.

"Yeah... right, I'll go..." He went into the locker room, getting into the showers. The rest of the team had already left at this point, and Harley was in there alone.

"Stupid... I should've kissed him..." he mumbled, to no one in particular. "Stupid stupid stupid." He groaned, shaking his head.

Harley washed away all the sweat and dirt from the game, but couldn't wash away his regret. They were so close... and Peter was blushing. He could've leaned in, closing the gap between them.

But he didn't, and the moment was over. He had missed his chance.

Or so he thought. Harley left the locker room, and much to his surprise, Peter was waiting for him.

"What? Why are you... why'd you stay?" Peter looked up, smirking.

"Well, we weren't finished, were we?" He tilted his head, coming closer to Harley. The southern boy grinned, holding onto Peter's waist gently as they leaned in- actually closing the gap this time. Fireworks exploded in a flurry of emotions, butterflies fluttering in each of their stomachs. When the time came for them to pull away, it was hesitant, but they both needed to breathe.

"I..." Harley whispered, in awe.

"I'm glad I waited for you," Peter smiled shyly, glancing up at Harley. The blond grinned, wrapping an arm around Peter's shoulders affectionately.

"Me too, darlin'. Me too."

I don't remember what my original plan for this was but it doesn't matter


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