Brain Storm

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Request by SymphonicSynth 


Good luck

Im not even going to glance over this for obvious errors

TW: cancer, not eating, throwing up, unhealthy weight loss, seizure, possible death (no spoilers!)

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter stared numbly at the office floor. The doctor's words echoed in his head, the life changing diagnosis slamming its angry fists against the inside of his skull.

"Brain cancer," The doctor had said. "Inoperable. You have six months left to live. I'm sorry."

Peter sucked in a breath. The air was cold, stringing against his throat. When had they left the office? He wasn't sure. He just followed his aunt wherever she went, not bothering to worry about the destination.

Peter sat down in the passenger seat of their car. Tony bought this car, he thought. How would Tony take this news? Peter shook his head, frowning. Not well. He would probably have a breakdown over it. Best not to tell him until I absolutely have to.

A soft sob escaped May's lips as she leaned her forehead against the steering wheel. Peter glanced over at her, bewildered. His aunt was crying...?

"May?" He asked quietly, tilting his head. She sniffled, clearing her throat and looking at her nephew sadly.

"Oh, Peter..." Her voice broke on the last syllable, cracking off into mournful sobs. She was going to lose her only nephew, her only real family. Without Peter, her life would become dull and sad. She had already lost Ben, and now Peter, too? It was all too much for her to handle.

Peter frowned. He didn't know how to fix this. He had to make it better.

"I love you, May," he murmured. That only seemed to break his aunt further, a louder sob echoing through Peter's ears, mixing in with his diagnosis until his thoughts were scrambled up like eggs on a cold morning.

"...I love you too, Peter." May forced a smile at her nephew, wiping at her eyes and taking a breath to pull herself together. Sterling herself, May started the car, driving back to their apartment. The drive was silent, allowing for Peter's thoughts to run wild.

He would have to tell people eventually. He knew that. He wasn't an expert on cancer, but he had seen enough movies to understand that the disease would leave him exhausted and, eventually, dead. He shivered at the thought. He would be leaving so much behind- May, the Avengers, Harley...


Harley was Peter's boyfriend. He was tall, maybe 6 foot, with fluffy dirty blond hair and ocean-blue eyes that Peter could never get tired of staring into. He had a southern accent, but you couldn't always tell. When he called Peter "darlin'" or "sweetheart", however, his drawl shone through the words, melting Peter's heart every time.

He would miss Harley. A lot. He loved the southern boy.

"-er. Peter!" May called, more tears threatening to fall.


"We're back. C'mon." He nodded, staying put in the seat. "Peter, let's go inside. Please," May begged, her voice breaking. Peter seemed to snap out of his trance, stepping out of the car and following May up to their apartment.

"I don't want anybody to know," he blurted out, catching the attention of his aunt. She turned back, eyebrows furrowing.


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