Experiment 351 pt 2

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Random fact: I don't have a dick but I think they're pretty neat 😏

I am so sorry y'all have to put up with me 😬😬

But anyway here's part 2

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter awoke to the soft beating of Harley's heart, yawning and snuggling his head back against the blond boy's chest. The movement woke the taller boy, who blinked a few times before turning his attention to Peter.

"Hey, darlin', how you feelin'?" Harley wondered, placing his hands in the brunette's soft hair and gently massaging it. Peter hummed, face still buried in Harley's shirt. His sudden clinginess came to both boys' surprise, but neither of them mentioned it. Peter turned his head, looking straight up at Harley. He felt a sudden unease in his stomach, sitting up quickly.

"What... what is this?" The smaller boy asked, eyes wide with fear. Harley raised an eyebrow, chuckling lightly.

"Seems like you've got butterflies in your stomach, darlin'."

"In my... how'd they get there? Am I going to die?!" Peter cried. Harley shook his head, confusion clear on his face.

"No, no, it's just an expression. It means you like me, sweetheart," the southern boy grinned, leaning in close. The brunette's cheeks were hot with a flustered blush, slight panic in his eyes at these sudden new feelings. Peter turned away, embarrassed and confused by his emotions that had been entirely locked away until yesterday.

"Do you... do you like me?" He questioned innocently, big brown doe eyes staring straight into Harley's soul. The blond grinned, placing his hand against Peter's cheek.

"I don't know darlin', what do you think?" He leaned in, brushing his lips against Peter's for a moment, before connecting their lips in an awkward kiss. The smaller boy hesitated for a moment, like he was unsure of what to do. Then his instincts took over, and he kissed back. They pulled apart, breathless and hearts racing.

"Is that a yes?" Peter wondered, a slight smile forming.

"Hmmm, better do it again to make sure." Their lips met again, both boys more sure if it this time. The kiss was passionate and even longer than the first, leaving Peter with lips a little pinker than before. He giggled, high off his new feelings toward the southern boy.

"I feel funny," Peter murmured, grinning. Harley chuckled, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy.

"A good funny, isn't it?" The brunette nodded, unable to contain his laughter. Ever since Harley had arrived, Peter was able to shed his tough outer shell and feel real emotions. It was an incredible experience for the young teen, especially considering his situation. Peter yawned, snuggling into Harley's chest happily.

"Tired, darlin'?" The smaller boy hummed softly, quickly falling asleep in Harley's arms. The southern boy sat in their cell, absentmindedly stroking Peter's hair while trying to come up with an escape plan. After a little while, a mischievous grin grew on his face. Harley had the perfect escape plan ready, and he was going to get Peter out into the world. He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of what he and Peter could do after they escaped.

Peter woke up first, his movement waking Harley shortly after. The blond whispered the plan into Peter's ear, watching the excited, yet anxious smile on the smaller boy's face.

"You can do it, don't worry. I'll be there to help you, it'll be ok," Harley assured, getting into position. Peter nodded, taking a deep breath. The taller boy was fake sleeping, next to the door. The brunette knew he didn't really have to do much, but he was still nervous. What if he messed up, and Harley got in trouble for it? What if they got separated, and Peter went back to being emotionless and numb? But... what if they succeeded, and got to live life together?

Lost in thought, Peter barley heard the door unlock. The HYDRA guard came in, holding his electric weapon out, ready to shock the brunette. The guard disregarded Harley, since he looked asleep. Once the guard walked past him, Harley jumped into action, tackling the HYDRA guard to the ground. He jabbed the electric weapon into the guard's side, knocking him unconscious. Harley unlocked Peter's chains with the key, grabbing the smaller boy's hand and leading him through the halls.

"Follow me!" He whisper yelled, running back the way he was brought a few days prior. They were almost at the door when the alarm went off, a lineup of guards in front of the exit. Harley pointed the weapon he had stolen off the unconscious HYDRA guard, ready to shock anyone who got too close. The guards charged, Harley taking down several with his electric shocker while Peter used his super strength to his advantage. Harley spotted an opening, running past Peter and grabbing his arm. The pair ran towards the exit, Peter easily smashing through the door.

"We did it!" He yelled, grinning. The smaller boy could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins, fueling the already enhanced athletic ability of the young spider. Peter scooped Harley into his arms, running even faster out of the HYDRA base. Harley had his arms wrapped around Peter's neck awkwardly, his lanky figure spilling out of the brunette's arms. They made it off of the property, escaping to the road leading up to the base.

"Hey, hey, darlin', you can put me down now," Harley insisted, frowning. Peter was looking a little too pale for his liking. The smaller boy was panting heavily, his skin hot to the touch. Harley was set down, Peter falling against the blond's chest, exhausted.

"Harls..." He groaned. Harley sighed, picking him up bridal style and walking to the end of the road.

"Mhm, maybe you shouldn't of used all your energy so quickly sweetheart," Harley mused. "It's ok, it's not too far to the bus station, I can carry you there." The taller boy walked the the bus station, Peter in his arms. They didn't have money for a ticket, so they snuck onto the bus. Peter had rested enough, and was anxiously waiting for the bus to leave. They were heading to the city, since Harley knew someone who would let them stay.

The bus eventually left, Peter watching the scenery pass by from his window. He had never seen such beautiful landscapes. Harley couldn't help but smile at the smaller boy's amazement.

"You're cute, you know that?" Peter turned to the blond, grinning.

"You're cute too!" He exclaimed. The brunette yawned, leaning his head against Harley's shoulder. He fell asleep quickly, the southern boy resting his head on top of Peter's. It was at that moment Harley knew Peter would be ok, that he would be able to adjust to his new life of freedom. He smiled, drifting off to sleep peacefully.

part 3 next!!


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