Tangled AU

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request by alice71233 

I rewatched Tangled specifically so I could do this request so uhh... enjoy

Random fact: I don't order my requests or give them distinct names so everything is a big jumbled mess, I want to fix it but that would take forever and I'm A piece of shit so it won't happen

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel or Disney.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Take back what once was mine, what once was mine," Peter sang softly, his golden curls glowing bright.

"Good, child." Peter turned around, taking a deep breath.



"Will you take me to go see the lights?" He asked, eyes wide and pleading. Mother Gothel's expression darkened for a second.

"You mean the stars? What's wrong wand-

~watching from your window?" Peter shook his head, getting up to push a curtain away from his mural of the lights.

"They're not stars, Mother! They only happen once a year, tomorrow night, and I was thinking-"

"Now, Peter! You know how dangerous the world is outside the tower!"

"Well, yes, but as you may know, tomorrow's my birthday-"

"No, I distinctly remember your birthday being last year," Mother Gothel interrupted, tutting softly. Peter chuckled desperately.

"That's the funny thing about birthdays Mother, they happen every year," he half smiled. "I turn 18 tomorrow, and I was just hoping-"

"No, no, absolutely not! You will never leave this tower, as long as you live!" Peter shrunk down, not bothering to fight it. "Don't you ever ask that again." He nodded quickly, cowering.

"Then... could I have some new paints?"

"Excuse me?" Mother Gothel towered over him, a terrifying expression on her face.

"O-Oh, well I- I thought- since I can't leave the tower, I thought it might be a better gift?" Mother Gothel's expression changed to a sickly sweet one, pinching his cheek.

"Oh, child, that's a three day trip... but since it's for your birthday, I suppose I could do that." She grabbed her bag, tossing some supplies in. "Will you be ok here on your own?"

"Yes, Mother, of course," Peter smiled. Mother Gothel kissed the top of his hair, smiling.

"Alright. See you in three days time." And with that, she was gone. Peter sighed, slumping in a chair.

"Three days..."


Harley ran through the forest, leaping over rocks and ducking under branches. A large white horse followed close behind, thundering hooves hitting the ground as he chased the blond. Harley moved out of the horse's view, swiftly ducking into a cave with plant overgrowth hiding it away. Once the horse had passed, he let out a relieved sigh, turning to see a large tower, just beyond the cave.

"Woah..." Harley wasted no time, scaling the side of the strange tower. Inside, it seemed abandoned, dark and-


"-at do I do? Oh, Mother is going to kill me..." Harley blinked slowly, head throbbing. A young boy was pacing back and forth in front of him, holding a frying pan. "But I proved myself... I can defend myself..." Harley groaned, catching the boy's attention. He was immediately on alert, holding the frying pan out. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The boy lowered his voice, trying to sound scarier. Harley chuckled softly. The boy had golden-brown hair, a soft spattering of freckles, and wide, innocent brown eyes. He was barely what you might consider to be "threatening."

"No need to deepen your voice for me, darlin'." The boy looked taken aback.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he insisted, still using that faux deep voice. "This is my real voice."

"It's not." The boy sighed, furrowing his eyebrows.

"How did you know?" His voice was back to the muttered sounds Harley had overheard earlier, soft and kind, but with an edge of badly-masked fear behind it.

"Oh, please," Harley scoffed. "Harley Keener, professional thief. Haven't you ever seen my wanted posters?"


"There's one in my bag if you wan- wait, where's my bag!?" He had stolen the crown of the lost prince, and the money from pawning it off would pay for food for almost four months. He needed that crown back. The boy gave him a smug grin, crossing his arms.

"I've hidden it, and you'll never find it!"

"Fine, then I'll have to use... the smolder!" Harley instantly adopted a smooth, sexy expression, giving the boy the same look that made girls fall at his feet. But the boy remained defiant, barely even reacting (Harley didn't catch the nervous swallow). "Hmm." The southern boy frowned, squinting at the boy. "Alright, darlin', what's your name?"

"Peter," the boy answered, soft brown eyes focused on Harley.

"Ok, Peter, how about you give me my bag, untie me, and I leave and pretend this never happened?"

"No!" He exclaimed quickly, eyes wide. "Er, no, I mean..." Peter sighed, glancing at the mural of the lights. "You're going to take me to see the lights, get me back home safe, and then I will give you your bag back. Deal?"

"Uh, yeah, no."

"Why not?"

"First of all, I'm a wanted criminal. Traveling with me won't exactly be safe," Harley pointed out.

"I don't care," Peter murmured. "Please, I've wanted to see the lights for as long as I can remember. They happen every year, on my birthday, and I just think they would be so beautiful close up." The blond sighed, groaning.

"Fine." The grin on Peter's face spread so wide, Harley thought he was going to explode. He quickly cut Harley loose, dancing around in a circle.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" The golden-haired boy cheered, almost running into Harley's arms before remembering that he still had to be careful around this stranger.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go." They left the tower, Peter running and skipping around, barefoot in the grass. His youthful giggles and intense fascination caught Harley's attention, the thief observing from the side. "Have you... have you never been outside before?" He questioned. Peter shook his head, turning to Harley with the largest, most childish grin on his face.

"Nope! Mother says it's safer if I just stay inside the tower, where I can't get hurt." The southern boy listened to the short explanation with horror. He had never been outside? Every second of Peter's life, up until now, had been spent in a boring, stuffy tower? Harley felt a flicker of hurt for the smaller boy, offering a hand.

"Follow me, we can take a shortcut." Peter took his hand, albeit hesitantly. Harley couldn't help but notice that they were soft, and significantly smaller than his. The tiniest of smiles appearing on his face. He led Peter through the woods, unaware of the prying eyes watching their every move.

part 2 next!!!


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