106 Degrees

3.1K 92 97

request by Ezzaxo

I hope this is what you wanted :)

Sorry it took so long lol

And thank you for 200k :3

TW: illness

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Mmmmm..." Peter grumbled, refusing to open his eyes. He just wanted to go back to sleep, he was so tired...

"C'mon, darlin', it's almost noon, time to get up!" Harley insisted, grabbing Peter's arm and slowly dragging him out of bed. The smaller boy just groaned, not fighting back but not making it any easier for Harley either.

Peter didn't really feel like doing anything today, if he was being honest. His head felt fuzzy and heavy, and his throat was all rough and scratchy. He'd prefer to just stay in bed today, but Harley wanted to do something, so...

"Please just get up!" Harley complained, tugging at the brunette's limp arm. "C'monnnnnnnn!"

"Harls-" Peter immediately stopped talking when he heard his voice, gasping before wincing at the pain in his throat. Harley had stopped tugging at Peter's arm, looking down at the boy with furrowed brows. He hesitantly lay a hand across Peter's forehead, almost immediately jerking back with a worried expression on his face.

"You're burning up!" Harley exclaimed, frowning. "Hold on, I'll be right back..." The blond left, just for a few moments, returning with a thermometer. He tapped Peter's cheek a few times, hearing a weak groan come from the boy.

"Will you let me take your temperature, please?" Harley requested, eyebrows knitted together with concern. Peter obediently opened his mouth, allowing Harley to put the thermometer under his tongue. When it beeped, Harley read the number to himself, clearly stressed out.

Peter had a 106°F fever.

Without another word, Harley went into the hallway to call Bruce. Everyone was out of the tower today, for one reason or another, leaving Peter and Harley alone for the day.

"Hello? Harley?"

"Hey, um... we have a slight problem here..."

"What happened? Are you guys ok?" Bruce sounded much more alert now.

"Peter has a fever," Harley sighed, gnawing on his lip. "A pretty high one, too."


"106." There was a pause on the other end of the line, before Bruce responded.

"He'll be fine. Just keep an eye on him, try to reduce the fever. If he gets any worse, call me."

"Isn't it dangerous?" Harley questioned, referring to Peter's high temperature. Normally he wouldn't question the scientist, but this was his boyfriend they were talking about.

"Normally, yes. But Peter isn't entirely human, so things are a bit different. He tends to run a couple degrees hotter than a normal person, so 106°F is more like 104°F for him," Bruce explained. "Which, obviously, isn't great, but it's not too dangerous." Harley hummed, signifying he understood.

"Ok, thank you. I can watch him."

"Good. Bye, Harley."

"Bye." Harley hung up, sighing. He should probably get started on reducing Peter's fever. He went back into Peter's room, approaching the brunette.

"Hey, darlin', how you feelin'?" Harley asked gently. Peter glanced at him through half-lidded, hazy eyes.

"'M sick..." He mumbled, closing his eyes and turning over with a groan. The blond let out a soft chuckle, sitting on the side of the bed and starting to run his fingers through Peter's messy hair.

"Yeah, I know. Do you want to take a bath? I can start some water for you," he offered, speaking quietly as to not disturb his boyfriend too much. Peter just mumbled, leaning into Harley's hand with his eyes closed peacefully. "I'll take that as a yes." Harley got up, hearing Peter whine. He went into the bathroom, starting some water and asking FRIDAY to turn it off when the tub was full.

He went back into the bedroom to get Peter, who was frowning with his eyes closed. Harley examined his boyfriend for a moment, sighing. Peter had red flushed cheeks and pale skin, not to mention the heat radiating off of him. Harley pulled the blankets away, scooping Peter up into his arms bridal style. The sick boy curled into Harley's chest with a small "mph" sound.

"Aw, darlin'..." Harley sat Peter down in the bathroom, helping him strip. Shirt and pants went into a pile on the floor, and Harley hesitated. "You want these on or off?" He asked, tugging at the band of Peter's boxers.

"Off," the brunette mumbled, leaning into Harley tiredly. The southern boy nodded, taking off Peter's boxers and helping him into the bath. "Harlsssss..."

"What is it?" Harley sat on the edge of the tub, watching over his boyfriend protectively.

"Bath." Peter made grabby hands, pouting.

"You want me to join you?"

"Mhm." Harley immediately stripped, dropping his clothes to the floor and climbing into the bath. He laid against the wall, bringing Peter into his lap and wrapping his arms around him. The brunette sighed, letting his head loll back onto Harley's shoulder so he could rest. The taller boy was happy to run his fingers through Peter's hair, letting his boyfriend sleep while they laid in the bath together.

The water started to cool down, but Harley didn't mind. It was only when he felt a shiver run through Peter's body that he decided it was time to get out and dry off.

"Hey," Harley shook Peter's shoulder gently, earning a soft groan in response. "C'mon, darlin', time to get up."

"Mhmm..." Peter didn't make a move to get up, so with a sigh, Harley pushed him forward, getting out of the tub himself first before lifting Peter up and sitting him down on a towel.

"Do you want me to make some soup after we get dried off?" The blond questioned, patting his boyfriend dry and dressing him in clean, comfortable clothes. Peter just hummed, leaning his head against Harley's chest.

"Hold on darlin', let me get dressed and then I'll bring you back to bed, ok?" Harley dried himself off quickly, throwing on comfortable clothes as well. He carried Peter back to bed, letting his palm rest on the brunette's forehead briefly before he left to make soup.

A few minutes later, Harley returned with two bowls of soup, setting one on the nightstand and almost handing one to Peter before deciding it would probably be less messy if he just held onto it.

"Soup!" Harley cooed, tapping Peter's shoulder. The brunette opened his eyes, blinking slowly.

"Hm?" Peter hummed, sitting up a little. He let Harley feed him, smiling contently. He managed to eat the bowl, but Harley wasn't surprised by that. Peter had a super metabolism, after all.

"Good?" The brunette nodded, snuggling back down under the blankets. "Alright. Get some rest."

"Cuddles?" Peter mumbled hopefully."

"Yeah, of course. Just let me eat real quick, and then I'll gladly give you cuddles." Harley grabbed the other bowl of soup, eating quickly as promised. The bowl was returned to the nightstand, and Harley got under the covers, letting Peter curl into his chest. The blond awed, wrapping his arms around Peter protectively as they both fell asleep.


Waking up, Harley saw that it was dark outside. He sighed, pressing he back of his hand against Peter's forehead. It was warm, but not as warm as it had been earlier. He let out a soft breath of relief, smiling sleepily and cuddling with his boyfriend. Harley left a small kiss on Peter's left temple, falling back asleep soon after. Things were going to be ok.

again so sorry I didn't update for awhile, I don't really have any excuse other than writers block so lets just say it was mostly that with a sprinkle of poor time management

Anyways I'm trying to get through all the requests, please hold off on leaving more for now bc I really want to have less than 100 requests (which I probably would if I updated regularly, rip)

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