Potato Gun

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Request by L120250140 

I am EXHAUSTED but its only 1:30 am

Eh imma go to sleep ig

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Kid, you'll be ok for a few days without me, right?" Peter crossed his arms, turning away.

"Why can't I come with you? I don't want to be alone..."

"You still have school. Plus, this is personal business. I don't know if my friend would want me bringing someone else along, so you would probably just be alone in a hotel room," Tony pointed out. "Trust me, it's better to just stay home." Peter sighed, wrinkling his nose. Everyone in the tower was on vacation... except him. His school had decided to change the week of spring break, which meant that he wasn't able to go along with the plans he originally had for the week.

"Fine," he muttered. It was going to be awfully lonely in the tower...


It was the night before Tony was supposed to leave for Tennessee, and Peter was busy hatching a plan. He would stay at the tower until Tony left, then he would suit up and head down to Tennessee himself. What he would do once he got there, Peter didn't know, but he didn't really care. It wasn't like they were going to be busy at school anyway...

The next morning, Tony got in his private jet, waving goodbye to Peter. The teen stood to the side, waiting patiently for the billionaire to leave. Shortly after, the jet took off, leaving Peter behind... but not for long.

He ran up to his room, quickly putting on his Spiderman suit. As a last minute thought, he grabbed some spare cash from his wallet, then leaped through the window and began his trip down to Tennessee.


"Karen? How much further?" Peter panted, feeling sluggish and tired. Maybe trying to swing from New York to Tennessee wasn't such a good idea...

"Three miles to location," the AI replied helpfully. "Peter, you seem to be overworked. I recommend rest and a meal." The brunette sighed, nodding.

"I know, Kar, but it's only a few more miles. I can make it," he insisted. Karen didn't respond, so Peter focused on using his energy to get him to where Mister Stark had gone.

It was nearly 15 minutes later when Karen spoke up again.

"Location reached. Subject is 318 feet away." Peter perched on a large tree branch, his stomach growling. He pulled off his mask with a sigh, sitting down on the branch.

All of a sudden, there was a loud popping noise, and Peter's world went dark.


"Well well well, if it isn't the old man himself!" Harley exclaimed, grinning. "Welcome to Tennessee." Tony nodded, stretching his arms.

"Nice to see you too, kid," he chuckled.

"I know it is. Come on, old man, I don't got all day!" Harley beckoned for the billionaire to follow him out to the woods behind his house, where they came across the shed that Tony had stumbled into all those years ago. He pulled out a potato gun, smirking. "Remember this?"

"I sure do."

"Well... I might've made some adjustments..." Harley grinned mischievously. "Why don't I show you? It's basically twice as powerful now, with better aim, and some other slight modifications," the blond explained. "Here, look." He aimed the gun slightly upwards, pulling the trigger with a loud pop. The potato whizzed through the air, until it hit something. And that something fell to the ground.

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