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request by lokisonfam 

Ok its slightly different than the request asked but I think it works and also its like 2:30 am so I'm tired idk

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel or Disney/Pixar.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Hey darlin', care for a movie night?" Harley queried, walking up from behind Peter and wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. Peter hummed, giggling softly as Harley kissed his cheek.

"Hmm, I'll have to think about it," Peter teased, grinning. He spun himself around in Harley's arms so that he was facing the blond. "Can I pick the movie?"

"Of course you can, honey pie," Harley purred, voice silky smooth. Peter tilted his head thoughtfully.

"'Honey pie'?" He repeated. "That's a new one."

"Yeah, thought you needed a pet name that reflected your personality a bit more," Harley explained, shrugging. "If you don't like it we could find something else-"

"No, no." Peter stopped Harley, smiling shyly. "Keep it. I like it." The blond grinned, pushing the hair out of Peter's forehead to plant a kiss. The smaller boy hummed, beaming happily. "'Honey pie'..."

"Yeah, Honey pie," Harley chuckled, mussing Peter's hair. "Now, why don't you go pick out a movie, and I'll get us some snacks."

"Mm, yeah," Peter mumbled, nodding. "Yeah, I'll go do that." The brunette left for the living room, while Harley started cooking some microwave popcorn and pouring bowls of various chips and pretzels for them to snack on while they watched a movie. He hummed to himself, grabbing the small feast and carrying it all over to the living room.

"Found a movie yet, darlin'?" Harley wondered, carefully setting out all their snacks. Peter nodded, smiling.

"I found a Pixar movie we haven't seen yet!" He exclaimed proudly, starting the movie as Harley sat down.

"Ooh, nice. What's it called?" The blond questioned.



They were about halfway through the movie, and both boys were staring at the screen, brows furrowed.

"Okay, these voices sound really familiar," Harley insisted. Peter nodded, tilting his head.

"Barley's voice sounds sorta like..." He paused, frowning. "What's-his-face... argh!" Peter huffed, struggling to remember the name of the man who sounded exactly like this cartoon character. Harley gasped, pausing the movie.

"Wait, hold on. You sound like Ian!" He exclaimed, laughing. Peter grumbled quietly to himself, shaking his head.

"My voice doesn't sound like that..."

"No, Peter, darlin', trust me." Harley played the movie again, listening to a couple of Ian's voice lines. "Yeah, you sound really similar." Peter huffed, crossing his arms.

"Shut up, let's just watch."

Short but cute and funny :)

Its like 2:30 am rn so imma go to bed after this posts

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