Experiment 351 pt 3

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Part 3 requested by TheSmilingWhale 

Random fact: somebody in my 8th grade history class said I was their spirit animal and I never forgot it

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Harley woke up to find Peter shaking him nervously, eyes wide.

"Wha?" He mumbled, still half asleep. Peter stopped shaking him, pointing out the window.

"What's going on?" The brunette questioned. Harley looked out the window to see a long line of cars in front of them, police sirens blaring in the distance.

"Oh, it's just traffic. Someone probably got into an accident, and people like to drive slow to look at it. It's fine, this is normal," he shrugged. Peter shook his head, covering his ears miserably.

"It's loud," he whimpered, curling up into a ball. The smaller boy let himself fall against Harley's chest, hands still covering his ears. The blond ran his fingers through Peter's messy curls, providing comfort to the anxious teen. He glanced down at the miserable boy, frowning as he realized the transition from tiny jail cell to life in New York City was going to be really difficult for the brunette.

Once they had gotten past the traffic, Harley could see the faint outline of the city through the fog. It was a cold spring day, which wasn't ideal, but they could work around it. The bus stopped at the station, letting its passengers off. Harley grabbed Peter's hand, leading him through the streets. He made a beeline for Stark Tower, Peter a few steps behind.

They walked into the lobby, Harley greeting the assistant at her desk. She offered him a small wave in return, granting him access to the elevator.

"Take us to the Old Man." The elevator started its upward climb, shocking Peter, who had, of course, never experienced anything like it. The doors parted, revealing none other than Tony Stark himself.

"Kid, what're you doing here?" The billionaire questioned. Turning to Peter, he raised an eyebrow. "And who's that?"

"Nice to see you too." Harley rolled his eyes playfully. "This is Peter. I promised him a place to stay, so I was hoping you maybe had some extra beds for us?"

"You know I do. But can I have an explanation first? I don't just want to let a random stranger sleep here if I don't at least know why." Harley nodded, waving it aside.

"Yeah yeah, fine." He explained the situation, retelling the events of the past few days. He left out some things, their kiss for example, but generally told the whole story.

"I'll get two rooms set up. Maybe you should head down to the med bay, get checked out just in case," Tony suggested, smiling sympathetically. Harley nodded, an expression of acceptance on his face.

"We will. Oh, and Tony?" The billionaire turned back, raising an eyebrow in question. "Thanks, for everything."

"Of course. I missed having you around the tower anyway," he chuckled. Harley smirked, but didn't mention it. He led Peter to the med bay, letting Bruce examine both of them for injuries. Harley had walked away unscathed, while Peter had some minor injuries that would heal on their own.

"Well, it's getting late. How 'bout we get some sleep, hmm?" The southern boy suggested. Peter nodded, fidgeting nervously. He traced the bruises on his wrists, letting his fingers linger on the bruises before grabbing Harley's hand. The blond grinned, leading Peter down the hall to his room. It had been set up for him, with toiletries and essentials specifically for Peter. The brunette's eyes were wide, struggling to accept that all this was for him.

"Alright, I'll be right next door if you need me. Sleep well, sweetheart." Harley left to go to his room, leaving an overwhelmed Peter alone in his new room. He brushed his teeth, struggling to figure out the fancy toothpaste. He walked to the bed, hesitantly climbing onto it. It was all too strange, too different. The plush mattress was so much softer than the concrete from the cell. And his wrists were free, he was free to move around as he pleased. It was all too overwhelming for Peter, and he found himself shuffling down the hall to Harley's room.

"Harls?" Peter's voice was small, like a child. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" The southern boy's eyes nearly bugged out of his head, before realizing the brunette meant actually sleeping.

"Oh, uh, yeah... yeah. C'mere, there's plenty of room." The smaller boy cuddled in close, giving Harley the chance to wrap his arms around him. They both fell asleep quickly, the comfort of the other keeping them feeling safe and warm.

Harley woke up first, finding Peter attached to him, sleeping peacefully. The brunette was using Harley's chest as a pillow, entangling their legs. The taller boy rubbed slow circles into Peter's back, both of them relaxed and at peace. Well, until Peter's stomach started making noises, waking him up. His eyes were droopy with sleep, and he yawned, stretching his arms out and into Harley's face.

"And good morning to you too, darlin'," he chuckled. The smaller boy's cheeks blushed pink, a small smile on his face. "Why don't we get you some breakfast, hmm?" Harley quickly rolled off the bed, scooping Peter up and carrying him to the kitchen, where a few other people were already eating. Tony was there, along with Cap and Bucky. Clint was sitting with a bowl of Lucky Charms, picking out all the marshmallows to eat. Tony was the first to notice the pair, raising an eyebrow with a curious look.

"So, how was your first night in the tower?" He questioned, looking at Peter. Harley set him down, grabbing the scrambled eggs Cap had cooked earlier and serving them onto two plates. Tony took a sip of coffee, eyeing Peter.

"It was great! Harley and I slept together," he stated excitedly, an innocent grin on his face. Tony choked on his coffee a little, and Harley chuckled nervously, carrying the two plates. He walked by Tony, whispering quietly.

"He doesn't mean it like that, he doesn't know," he hissed. Harley offered one of the plates to Peter, kissing the smaller boy's forehead happily. Peter shoveled the eggs into his mouth, eating unnecessarily quickly. "Woah, darlin', maybe slow down a bit? We don't want you getting sick from eating too fast." Harley frowned, furrowing his eyebrows. Peter tilted his head in confusion.

"But... I thought you only got 3 minutes to eat?" Harley felt his heart break at the confusion in Peter's voice.

"Not here, kiddo. You can have as much time as you'd like." Tony paused. "All the rules you had to follow before, they don't apply here. I want you to try and have a normal life here, ok? Nobody's going to hurt you here." The brunette boy nodded slowly, glancing at Harley for reassurance.

Over the next few weeks, Peter learned how to live free, Harley supporting him the whole way. The one thing he wasn't able to handle was sleeping alone, but Harley didn't mind.

Peter's abilities were discovered rather quickly, Tony nearly having a heart attack when the spider-powered teen fell from the ceiling and landed nimbly on his feet. Peter had training with Nat twice a week, and experimental tests to test out what he could do with Tony and Bruce.

Peter melded into life in the city fairly easily, although he would often have nightmares or moments where he zoned out, completely numb to the world. Luckily he had Harley and an entire team of superheroes to support him along the way.

so idk how good that was but it doesn't matter

Also!! There's a smut ending to this mini series in my other book (the chapter titled "New Experiences" is the part 4) and if you made it to this point, I would recommend you read it (if you're ok with smut ofc)


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